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Sunday, March 10, 2019

Young men giving up on marriage: ‘Women aren’t women anymore’

Fewer young men in the US want to get married than ever, while the desire for marriage is rising among young women, according to the Pew Research Center.

Pew recently found that the number of women 18-34 saying that having a successful marriage is one of the most important things rose from 28 percent to 37 percent since 1997. The number of young adult men saying the same thing dropped from 35 percent to 29 percent in the same time.

Pew’s findings have caught the attention of one US writer who maintains that feminism, deeply entrenched in every segment of the culture, has created an environment in which young men find it more beneficial to simply opt out of couple-dom entirely.

Suzanne Venker’s article, “The War on Men,” which appeared on the website of Fox News in late November, has become a lodestone for feminist writers who have attacked her position that the institution of marriage is threatened, not enhanced, by the supposed gains of the feminist movement over the last 50 years.

“Where have all the good (meaning marriageable) men gone?” is a question much talked about lately in the secular media, Venker says, but her answer, backed up by statistics, is not to the liking of mainstream commentators influenced by feminism.



  1. women may not be women, but men sure are not men either

  2. I'd marry a rich old broad with a terminal illness and no heirs.

    1. Happens alot in Fruitland.

    2. 7:19- Sounds like a lot of smart men in Fruitland, but I bet you were implying the opposite. Your too stupid to even lay an insult!

  3. The odds are against men. Thank you, feminists! Your slogan has come home to roost - men are needed by women as much as that fish needs a bicycle.

  4. Speaking as a man who tried this once and got clobbered by a budding feminist inside my (then ) bride - no thanks to marriage ever again. Frankly, what is the upside of marriage to men from a legal perspective these days????? In a word - NONE

  5. I am a women and if I were a younger man there are very few I would even give a second look. The young women of today don't take care of themselves. If they aren't overweight, they don;t practice good hygiene or grooming habits. In public the way many dress looks like they just got done their job cleaning the toilets at a flop house motel. They don't fix their hair or use make up. They don't take any pride in their appearance and it shows. Very few can even be called attractive anymore. They don't take pride in themselves which is a character flaw that will manifest itself in other ways not good for marriage or relationships.

  6. The left has spent years on gender role reversals to weaken the uUS population and NOW there is whining about the results? Reap what you sow.

  7. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Boys have robots now

  8. Looking back, I wish I hadn't done it...at least not with the one that I did. A total waste of my adult life. For nothing.

  9. There is a large movement going on, and a lot of men probably don't know that they are involved already, MGTOW. Men Going Their Own Way. These are guys who understand that they are on the losing end of a relationship, especially in the divorce court. Rather than go through the trouble, they avoid it, and even more so after a divorce. It results in them becoming more financially secure, have the freedom to pick up and move, do a drastic career change, travel, concentrate on their work and studies. A woman is like a new fancy car, nice to have but not really necessary. It was always said, "All men want is sex!" But actually, "all women want is everything else." Ladies, you aren't worth it.

  10. Exactly the reason I went overseas to find a bride. I was tired of all the drama and crap that most American women have following them. Im not saying all American women..there are some good ones, but the majority ... well ... definitely have changed.


  11. Who needs marriage when there are all these unwanted babies to save from abortions ? I was raised by a divorced heterosexual father that loved and cared for me and worked a second job to pay alimony to the tramp that gave birth to me and ran off to sit in bars and run trash. She did not have a pot to piss in after all her whoring and AIDS and he even buried her respectively on his own dime for my sake. I only met her a few times and frankly could care less about her. He took the high road. This was in a time when few judges granted fathers custody. Everyone believed every child needs a mother. Well some are not so good but your damn lucky if you had a stand up father willing to buck up and tote the line.
    All this man bashing these days forgets there were many single fathers that from the 70's on got out of unhealthy marriages and cooked cleaned and raised well adjusted kids. Most of them Vets having come back to no applause and an irrationally changed social climate.
    Fathers day is my high Holiday. I take the day of and go fishing and think of him.

  12. Who needs the issues and drama!
    Men usually lose in child custody and divorces.
    It's no wonder many of us turn other interests to fill
    our lives. I'm married and have been married for over thirty years.
    If I had to do it again in today's singles market, I would just
    give up.

    I have two young son's in their early twenties. Both are straight, one has been looking on the online dating scene and has dated, but a lot of women want a man with a good paycheck earning more than them. Most of them see someone more interesting on match or another dating site and drop them with no explanation.

    My other son, has no interest at all and is happy to just go to work and enjoy life with his friends and other interests.
    It's sad, but I don't have much hope of ever becoming a grand parent!

    Life today is too complicated and seems to be stacked against men in general.

    There is a term for this: Men going their own way or: MGTOW

    Men's resistance movement against modern women in general!

  13. Rules for Radicals has succeeded

  14. LOL ! Nobody like immigrants but mail order brides are OK ? How many goats did her village include in her dowry or was she inflatable ?

    1. 7:01-WTF? Who here doesn't like immagrants? I do have issues with illegals. Congratulations showing how racist you are, when your attempt was to make us appear as the racists. You must be a Democrat.

  15. Listen women aren’t wanting to settle for some bozo that they’re going to have to baby for 50 years either. There are just as many worthless men out there too who managed to screw over their ex wives when the divorce finally happened. And speaking from experience, the older you get the worse the odds are of finding a man that’s not a walking disaster area!

  16. there are alot of good women out there. However society has pushed a narrative where women now want it all. so they chase after sports stars media darlings, etc for a chance to hit the lottery. get pregnant and you are set for life! shame is it has turned most of them into whores! when a society holds up the kardashians as examples it shows how far women have fallen!
    Find a good one who loves God and you have found something priceless!

  17. March 5, 2019 at 1:29 PM vain much?

  18. I'm married to the same man for 52 years. God willing we will continue our marriage. Our success is respect for each other. You don't seem to find "respect" in our society today. We don't respect police officers, teachers, each other. Sad but true.

  19. Women want to be our "equals." That being said, if I want a relationship with my equal, I'll marry a man. I don't need an "equal" woman. Men are men, and women are women, unless they have a mental condition that keeps them from recognizing their own genitalia.

  20. Why buy the cow if you can get the milk free?

  21. Why listen to a cow when you can drink whatever you want?

  22. If you clowns feel so emasculated and cadtrated by feminists, thalen you really are the limp noodle soft fruits that you always claim tobsee in the younger genearation. Married an independent single mom with her own home, raising her own daughter, and handling it all on her own years agk with no problems coming together as 1 force.

    1. Wow - where are the grammar police when you need them? Must be WCBOE graduate


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