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Saturday, January 19, 2019

Judicial Watch Uncovers New Documents Detailing Pelosi's Use of Air Force Aircraft for Her Family in 2010

Washington, DC — July 21, 2011

Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption, announced today that it has obtained new documents from the United States Air Force (USAF) detailing then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s use of USAF aircraft in 2010. The records obtained through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), which include flight manifests, expense summaries, copies of receipts and Congressional correspondence, detail a number of trips made by Speaker Pelosi in 2010, including:

A May 6-10, 2010, Congressional Delegation to Afghanistan and Germany “to discuss issues of mutual interest in Qatar and Afghanistan, as well as conduct oversight on women’s issues (troops) in Afghanistan and to visit with US troops and meet with government officials in Germany.” The total cost of military travel was $204,135.00. The records indicate then-Speaker Pelosi made a personal request that the “maximum per diem allowance be made available at the enhanced rate of an additional $50.”

Numerous trips were made by Speaker Pelosi between San Francisco and Andrews Air Force Base. Several of these trips included members of Speaker Pelosi’s family, including her husband, daughter, granddaughters and son-in law. For example, one “Staff Summary Sheet” detailing a January 4, 2010, flight from San Francisco to Andrews Air Force Base notes that Pelosi’s daughter Christina “owes for $99.00 (flight) and $7.82 (meal).” The documents suggest that the Speaker’s office was billed for the fees but do not indicate whether the bills were paid.

A January 7-11, 2010, Congressional Delegation to Detroit, Michigan, for the expressed purpose of reviewing “the impact of congressional appropriations and policy in promoting innovation, technological development and job creation in US auto industry.” The Detroit trip required $24,336.60 in commercial air travel and an additional $10,046.87 in expenses. The Pentagon also paid for military escorts for the trip.

One document notes that the mode of transportation for the trip would be “Comair and Milair,” (commercial air travel and military air travel). However, the only cost related to the military portion of the transportation detailed in the records is a $15,000 advance secured for ground transportation, meals and lodging. Rep. Tim Ryan (D-OH) drove himself to Detroit and sought $228 in mileage reimbursement. A total of 24 House Members (16 Democrats, 8 Republicans), led by then-Speaker Pelosi and then-Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD), were on the list of trip participants.


  1. Pelosi is a crook ! She has betrayed her country on several occasions

  2. Nice use of our tax dollars Nancy. Only the privileged insane would sink so low. Gives us an idea of how little she thinks of citizens.

  3. Good gosh, they have a nice salary, all the perks available along with benefits and all they can manage to steal. Nice gig, especially considering they don't want to represent the people that put them there. I started to say where do I sign up, but I am honest and far from a slime ball. (not all of them) I'd never make it.

  4. If they really dug into this they would find it goes further and deeper then this. Back when she first took speaker of the house she was awarded the plane for travel that Tom Delay had. Which Tom was the first speaker to get plane service vs traveling commercial airlines. That plane was not big enough for her. She threw her hissy fits intil she got a bigger plane. She carted not only ones from political offices but er family. All at the expense of the tax payers. She is abusing a service that ones before her would have loved to have had. She is not a queen nor royalty. Let her drink her gray goose while flying commercial at her own expense. Enough is enough!

  5. Her constituents have always come second to herself in her mind. She confuses the perks of the U.S. House of Representatives with those of the Roman Senate.

  6. As speaker she uses Air Force jet to fly back and forth from California to DC. At taxpayers expense, plus a $1000food and drink bill. Anyone see a problem there!


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