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Saturday, January 19, 2019

12 yr Old Boy suspended for unintentionally using counterfeit money in lunch line

HENRY COUNTY, Ga. - A middle school honor student was suspended for paying for his lunch with money that turned out to be counterfeit. He and his parents said they had no idea the $20 bill was fake.

The 12-year-old student, Christian Philon, goes to Austin Road Middle School, and his parents said they'll fight the suspension.

Last Thursday, he handed the lunch lady the bill and got into trouble.



  1. Everybody tries to get rid of the counterfeit money that someone dupes them with. Everybody! You can't get your good money back, unless YOU dupe someone else. If the kid made the bogus money on a computer, he should be punished. Heck, he should be charged with a crime. If the parents gave the $20.00 to the kid, They should be charged with a crime. The parents should keep their mouths shut, if all the kid got was a suspension.

  2. Have you seen some of today's counterfeit currency? With the good paper, digital printing and chemical ageing processes, it's tough to tell from real without paying very close attention or using a detection marker.
    This isn't a school matter. They jumped the gun. Let the police handle it. Suspension of this kid for evidence this circumstantial is tantamount to house arrest and certainly a violation of his right to public education.

  3. January 20, 2019 at 9:55 AM:

    Hey the kid was suspended, not expelled permanently. Punishment, not banishment. This is about the kid's rights, it about the kid's wrongs.


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