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Sunday, January 20, 2019

Georgia TA: 'Some White People May Have To Die..."

University of Georgia (UGA) teaching assistant wrote Wednesday on Facebook that “some white people may have to die for black communities to be made whole in this struggle to advance to freedom."

He added that to suggest otherwise is “ahistorical and dangerously naive.”

UGA philosophy TA Irami Osei-Frimpong made the comment during a conversation on the Overheard at UGA Facebook page. The comment has since been deleted. Osei-Frimpong claimed in May 2017 that Facebook suspended him for quoting from an article which detailed how Texas A&M professor Tommy Curry had said “in order to be equal, in order to be liberated, some white people may have to die.”

“Killing some white people isn’t genocide; it’s killing some white people,” the UGA TA explained in a Medium post.

“We had to kill some white people to get out of slavery. Maybe if we’d killed more during the 20th century we still wouldn’t talk about racialized voter disenfranchisement and housing, education, and employment discrimination. This should not be controversial.”



  1. Some white people may have to die? Is your head screwed on correctly?
    Blacks make up 13%to17% of the population , it seems to me some blacks need to die , do you realize just in the NRA we have millions of whites that would love to use a black for just target practice. I'm one of them !

  2. If you want to start a racial war , please bring it .

  3. Man, talk about a racist rant. This person should be charged with inciting violence due to hate speech; and this person is educated?

  4. If this was a white person talking about killing black people hewould be in jail. What the he!! Is this country coming to? Wake up people!

  5. Divorce,drama, loss of a job, health conditions about yourself or someone you value -
    these things happen. If getting into good shape
    is essential for you then simply because won't help you achieve that.
    The results were dry out skin and mental fuzziness not to mention cravings for
    fatty foods.

  6. What a history idiot. Black people didn't kill white people and free themselves. White people fought and died in order to free them. Blacks would still be slaves if it wasn't for white people. (And white people didn't sell blacks into slavery, black people sold their brethren into slavery) Blacks did not have the will or the means to free themselves. Hard to believe that man is any kind of educator; a Texas A&M educator, at that. He tarnishes their reputation with published comments like that. He is just an uneducated bigot. Like so many other racists. He should be fired immediately. (he would be if he was white and called for killing blacks)

  7. Is this type of low-life really able to TEACH?

  8. Wow, another high IQ educator. Maybe this idiot should advise his listeners to take a look in the mirror, instead of suggesting the death of those that have supported them. I worked with black or people of color (don't know what the term is this week). Those same people were not white privileged like myself and we all did fine. I am retired from that occupation as they are. I receive a pension as well as the others I worked with. I might also add that we are in touch with one another after twenty years, so we must not have hated each other as this "assistant" teacher would like to believe. Maybe the answer for this cat is to suggest his followers leave school, get employment to support their families like others of their color, instead of sitting on their ass dreaming of paying me back for something I had nothing to do with, which doesn't effect them either. Maybe Joe Biden could take some of his followers out back.

  9. TALK TALK TALK, when actually pressed to take another life most will crumble. We're ALL in this together and until we find a balance this tension will probably result in some sort of clash. It's truly sad that in 2019 we've come no further than this. Just remember if you can't resort to surviving off the land tour probably screwed from the start

  10. Gee whiz. I thought only white people were racists. Hmmmm. Looks like I was wrong. You're damn right I was!


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