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Sunday, December 23, 2018

Pot Addicts Are Okay But Legitimate Chronic Pain Sufferers In Need of Opioids? Not So Much.

There is a strange dichotomy taking place in society today. On the one hand, laws against marijuana are being eliminated. People who abuse pot are now able to feed their addiction with an overly generous supply of the drug. For example, in Arizona, where medical marijuana is legal, users can purchase up to 2.5 ounces every two weeks. This is enough to be stoned every day. Once you have a prescription, you can refill it for an entire year without going back to renew the prescription. It’s easy to get a prescription in most states that have legalized medical marijuana, just inform a doctor you have pain. And if you live in a state like California that has legalized recreational marijuana, there aren’t even any limits on how much you can buy (just how much you can have on hand).

In contrast, opioids, which are commonly prescribed for chronic pain and have been legal for years (with the exception of heroin and some fentanyl) are becoming increasingly restricted. Legitimate chronic pain sufferers who depend on them to reduce their pain are finding themselves going days without any medication or undermedicated as a result of the new crackdown. It began because people were overdosing on opioids.



  1. opioids = big pharma = bad

    natural plant = pain relief w/no side effects = good

  2. We need to hold the doctors prescribing the opioids accountable, not just the pharma industry. Doctors who are prescribing large or frequent doses should be audited. Doesn't solve the illegal market but will make them think twice about being paid for it.

  3. I was wondering when someone (other than me) was going to find some irony with this.
    On one hand, we have an enormous opioid epidemic, and an equally large knee-jerk government reaction (as is the norm these days)to combat it, while at the same time, we might be starting the next addiction epidemic.
    I'm not for or against pot smoking (I think you should be able to eat/smoke anything God put on the Earth), but the amazing speed at which the drug is being made commercially available is astonishing. It will come back and bite states in the ass as they have to find more funding to combat addictions.

    1. Lol marijuana isn't a physically addictive drug lol opiates. You won't be puking and crapping your pants if you don't have any for 24 hours. Opiates on the other hand, you'll be out robbing people and pharmacies to stop the withdrawal pain.

    2. You arent too bright are you? No need for any more US tax payer funded studies. Dolts lije you cant seem to get it theough their skulls that weed use is safer and fsr less addictive than hard drugs, cigarettes, or alcohol

  4. A disabled citizen has to get to the doctors office to pick up the narcotic prescription in person and hand deliver it to the pharmacy. It cannot be faxed from health provider to drug store. ??

  5. No one's ever died from a "marijuana overdose."

  6. I understand what I hear about marijuana and believe it is not addictive. My concern is using it with alcohol. Does it increase a stuper. Also doctors have gone overboard with decreasing any controlled drug. I take Ativan 0.5 mg when needed to sleep. My doctor wants to wean me off this drug. It is bad for me. I'm not abusing it. Maybe I should try marijuana since my doctor has gone bonkers.

  7. May all you may sayers have chronic pain and not get what you need. You know not what you are talking about

  8. 628 Mary Jane may be a great natural remedy for you. Or maybe you should tackle whatever demons or anxiety in your life that is keeping you awake. You demonstrate exactly what many are saying about Big Pharma. Have an issue? Here's a pill we can hook you on for life to take care of that.

  9. 4:46 if it's not addictive, how and why did drug gangs make so much money selling it. Who was NOT addicted to it so they would pay more for it than a bottle of booze. It has to be a little addictive or you wouldn't want more of it.
    You're right in saying you might not have withdrawal symptoms (delĂ­rium tremors) but you still feel the need to buy more. Otherwise, the market demand would wane.

  10. Call a WHAMMbulance. I am tired of hearing about chronic pain suffering and PTSD's. Life hurts people. Pray for some relief . The whole nation has gone soft and identifies with a victim's mentality. The Greatest Generation came back from the most horrific conflict known to mankind and got on with life and it's pain and struggles and built the American reality we know now. Thankfully they are croaking off and don't have to witness the ridiculousness that is about to unfold.

    1. 11:37... why don’t u just stfu. If people want to smoke weed it’s none of your business as long as it isn’t effecting you. If it becomes legal by virtue of a script then so be it. I’m sure people could find stuff to pick apart regarding your life... we all just need to mind our own business.

  11. @11:37 yea idiot and 99.9% of them were stone cold alcoholics

  12. @1137
    thats fine youre tired of listening.
    go put your head back in the sand and let the adults have a grown up conversation.
    no solutions or suggestions?
    then just shut up.
    medical cannabis has been helping people for generations.
    sorry you dont like it, but times ARE changing.
    and for the better, i might add.
    you have no idea what struggles the person next to you is going thru


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