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Sunday, December 23, 2018

Do Americans really worry about the non-shutdown 'government shutdown'?

Chuck Schumer clearly thinks he's got a winning issue with blaming President Trump for a prospective "government shutdown" Friday, if no budget bill is passed that includes $5 billion for border wall improvements. Since he promises that no such money will be forthcoming from the Senate, he obviously anticipates the public reacting in horror over the Christmas holidays as federal employees labeled "non-essential" stay home.

But Rep. Thomas Massie, a libertarian-leaning GOP House member from Kentucky, has published an amazing graph that shows how meaningless this "disaster" really is for almost everybody:



  1. Look up how many times presidents "shut down" the government over the past 40 years and tell us all what the down side aftereffects were.

  2. Well we do when it's being shut down for something "Mexico will pay for". Can you imagine any other President stating they would be "proud" to shut down the government?

    1. Nope. That's why I love him! MAGA!!!

  3. still cant get a friggin budget done. worthless the whole lot of them

  4. Shut her down...lock her up.

  5. And Trump Marches on

  6. I say shut it down and leave it shut down.

  7. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE shut the rotten government down. NOW!!!

  8. Those inside the beltway care, outside its just another day in Romper Room!

  9. Shut it down until those checks from Mexico hit the treasury

  10. It doesn't hurt employees. They do get paid. It does cause alot of disruption. It must hurt our elected officials I believe. No voting on the floor etc.for stupid Democrat laws.

  11. Fidelity says 1.5 million more millionaires this year with government pensions this year,I will cry a tear.

  12. Yes it does hurt even with back pay. Back pay doesn't help when you need to put food on the table and gas in the car today.

  13. If President Trump would shut 75% of the fed gov down with no pay it would be the best days work the USA has had in a long time

  14. Need to shut the postal service down. We've been giving them billion dollar bailouts for the last forty years. It's time to cut the cancer out of the system


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