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Sunday, December 23, 2018

GoFundMe for Trump's border wall raises over $1M in just 3 days

A supporter of President Trump’s border wall proposal has started a GoFundMe to help pay for the project — and the fund skyrocketed to more than $2 million on Wednesday night after being live for just three days.

Brian Kolfage, a Trump voter and disabled Iraq War veteran with no connection to the administration, wrote that he set up the page because “President Trump’s main campaign promise was to BUILD THE WALL. And as he’s followed through on just about every promise so far, this wall project needs to be completed still.”

Trump campaigned on building a “great wall” on the southern border during the 2016 presidential election.

As the end of Trump’s second year in office comes to a close, his administration has not built the wall or secured funds for it — and a budget proposal passed Wednesday by the Senate did not fulfill Trump’s call to provide funds for it.



  1. The funding passed in the House. This after pelosi insisted it would't. Typical democrats to pick a nothing as a so called leader.

  2. ""You will not win," said Pelosi. "The fact is you do not have the votes in the House."

    "Nancy, I do," said Trump.

    "Well, then let's take the vote and find out," she said.

    Trump: “If I needed the votes for the wall in the House I would have them in one session”

    Pelosi: “Well then do it. Go do it.”"

    Laughs on you old lying hag.

  3. It's up to 11 million this morning. Anyone still needing a gift for a democrat in their life "a donation to the GoFund The Wall has been made in your name."

  4. Trump "Mexico will pay for the Wall"

    Also Trump "I'll shut down the government if I don't get tax payer money for the wall"

    The cognitive dissonance is strong with the MAGA crowd.

    1. The MAGA crowd will Make America Great Again without your help mr 8:19

    2. Thats right! Its currently at 13 mil in just 4 days! WE THE PEOPLE want that wall!

  5. Its not the house Pelosi needs to worry about its the AMERICAN people who have a VOICE! If the Gov wont do it, we will! You want to fix homelessness and no jobs, get the people who don't belong out of the country!!!!!!!

  6. 8:19
    We can't sit around and wait for the government to build the wall so we will take it upon ourselves to do it. Meanwhile you little snowflakes are busy in your parents basement throwing hissy fits and melting down.

  7. Every person who donated to this is n IDIOT! What happened to "Mexico will pay for the wall".

    All of you morons believed him and you still do. Pathetic bunch of people!

  8. 12:32. You sound like the moron. Obviously you don't have enough sense to see what Pelosi,Schumer, and the rest of the democrats are doing


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