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Sunday, December 23, 2018

PIERS MORGAN: Stop, Michelle-For someone who hates going low your bitchy sniping at Melania is tacky

Oh Michelle.

Not you, too?

Just when I thought there was one person in public life that soared effortlessly and admirably above the incessantly ugly partisan trash-talk that pervades every second of American airspace these days, Mrs Obama has let me down.

And frankly, she has let herself down too.

Appearing on last night’s Jimmy Fallon show, Michelle inexplicably decided to plunge the bitchy knife firmly into the back of her successor as First Lady, Melania Trump.

The attack came after Fallon showed her a photo of her and husband Barack boarding Air Force One for the last time after Donald Trump’s inauguration in January 2017.

‘Can you just walk me through…,’ said Fallon.

But before he could even finish the question, Michelle interrupted with a sneering: ‘Bye Felicia!’

Fallon collapsed with laughter and the audience whooped with joy.



  1. We live in an age of insults - insults and the lack of class that comes along with it.
    Nowadays people think that putting someone else down actually makes them look better. Sadly, it's a sign of the times.
    My father once told me: "Blowing out someone else's candle does not make yours shine any brighter."

  2. We should not be surprised that the true colors are shining through. So sad that their only legacy is the first people of color to be in the White House (no pun intended).

  3. MO never fooled me. I am too smart. She's a classless lying ghetto hustler. Always has been. She is the epitome of all that is wrong in the black race and why their youth are slaughtering each other in record numbers. The fact that so many blacks still idolize her speaks volumes as to the complete lack of any and all morals within that race.

  4. MEOW...Michele is very jealous of Melania. She knows she could Never measure up to her...

  5. Michael is not embarrassed.
    Think about it.

  6. Michelle is so jealous of Malania. Michelle is uglier than a mud fence while Malania is beautiful and has class...........something Michelle has none of. She is a ghetto sleeze with no class or looks.


  7. Moochie never had class; she was gilded by a media fawning over BO. She's been on the silver spoon circuit since her brother was recruited to play basketball for an Ivy League college. She enrolled there, too, and then was off to Harvard Law to bump their numbers. Bad lawyer, and so-so person. Slightly relevant due to BO connection; otherwise just another unsatisfied beneficiary of the country she despises. Sad.

  8. Obama's woman Michelle I didn't think the marriage would last thru the presidency you can tell she's a bitch and fine example to her 2 girls. And I remember the story on those 2 girls out shopping in the news and their ghetto behavior, also it came out that the employees in the White House couldn't stand the family. I voted for him and so sooooryyy that I did what a disappointment worst Presidency ever!

  9. Yes why did you vote for him. The first day I heard him speak I knew America was in trouble. First election a mistake but a second term absolutely what we're you "all" thinking?

  10. Michelle is really Michael, which rock have you been under?


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