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Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Americans Say No. 1 Problem is 'Government,' No. 2 is 'Immigration'

A new survey shows that the "top problem" cited by Americans is "government," and the second top problem is "immigration." For contrast, among the issues seen as least problematic for Americans are "unemployment-jobs" and "gun control/guns."

In the survey, conducted by Gallup after the midterm elections, the polling firm asked Americans about the country's top problems and then listed those issues that were "mentioned by at least 3% of respondents."

Nineteen percent of respondents cited "government" as the problem, making it the top issue of concern. In second place came "immigration," cited by 16% of the respondents.



  1. Ha!!!
    We are getting closer each day to hanging these bastids.
    Now the polls are confirming it, too.
    They better watch their ace and consider another career while they have the chance.
    Hang them anyway --- they richly deserve it.

    Keep cheering.


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