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Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Comey Refuses to Say Whether He Leaked Classified Information

Former FBI Director James Comey refused to comment Monday when a reporter asked whether he leaked classified information to prompt the appointment of a special counsel to investigate Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.

"My understanding is that when you shared your memos with your legal team, that there was a follow-up for a classified containment operation by the bureau. Was there a spill of classified information when you shared those memos?" Fox News correspondent Catherine Herridge asked Comey.

"I'm not going to talk about something like that," Comey responded.
"Well that's important to talk about, whether classified information was mishandled," Herridge followed up.

"Whether you think it is or not, I'm not goin
g to talk about it one way or another," Comey said, before taking a question from another reporter.


  1. At 6'8", Comey's going to need a special bunk in the slam.

  2. But you see this is the problem. Nothing will happen to this goof because our legal system has no teeth unless one is conservative. A lot of lip service over all the kerfuffle but no action; Hillary is still walking the streets.

  3. It has no teeth because they interpret it to please themselves and not follow guide lines. Been said all of my life, not who you know, but who you b--w.

  4. We the People know he did...


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