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Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Sen. Jim Inhofe Has a Plan to Fund Trump’s Border Wall

Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.) argued on Tuesday morning that limiting benefits such as tax credits for illegal immigrants could easily result in enough funds to pay for a border wall.

President Donald Trump has promised to crack down on illegal immigration ever since he began running for the presidency.

He has been most recently fought to get $5 billion to fund a security wall along the southern border. The president even threatened a government shutdown to get the funds.

Inhofe has another plan for the source of the money.

“You require a work-authorized Social Security number to claim a child tax credit, an earned income tax credit or any of the other tax credits,” Inhofe told host Laura Ingraham on “The Laura Ingraham Show.”

“Currently only the child needs a Social Security number, not the parent who actually receives the money.”

The WALL Act would fund the border wall through the money saved on limiting those programs to people in the country legally.


[It's not 'Trump's border wall'.. it's OUR border wall. --Editor]


  1. It was said the funds needed is under 1% of their budget, but they would rather give it to intruders. Total resistance to President Donald J. Trump because he ran their fat friend and chosen one off the stage. They had been fine with the good man before he ran, when they were accepting his donations. They were also fine with border control. How can anyone in their right mind vote for these nuts?Keep our country safe Mr. President.

    Trump/Pence 2020!


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