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Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Experts on Feds' Climate Change Report: ‘Every Conclusion' Is 'False'

The federal government’s Fourth National Climate Assessment, released on Friday, has gained praise from leftists and left-wing environmental groups as a dire warning of the coming death and destruction in the United States if we don’t stop global warming.

But critics of the report, including scientists, have slammed it as “exaggeration,” bad science and even said its conclusions are “false.”

“This latest climate report is just more of the same – except for even greater exaggeration, worse science, and added interference in the political process by unelected, self-serving bureaucrats,” Tim Huelskamp, president of the Heartland Institute said in statements released by the free-market think tank following the report’s release.



  1. I really don't think anyone discounts the idea that our climate has gotten warmer over the last 30 years.
    The part that many people have doubts about is whether or not it is due to human intervention.
    The scientific method is based on a theory that is either proven or disproved. Nothing I've seen so far has proven that humans are the cause or can cure what may be a normal fluctuation in long-term trends.
    Seriously, what humans caused the planet to warm after the Ice Age?
    Anyone?? Anyone??? The answer is zero - we were not even around yet.

  2. The report claims sea level has risen 9 inches in the last 100 years. I have been operating small craft in Chesapeake Bay and coastwise to Florida and Galveston since 1969 and can tell you this is a bald faced lie.

  3. 952, you know we have actual measurements from across the very areas you have mentioned, as well as across the entire US coast, and much of the world for that matter, going back 100 years. Plus people who actually understand how math works. So yeah, I'll take their word over yours.

    1. Ever heard of the words erosion and gravity. Sand/shoreline erodes and gravity takes it to the lowest point. All the silt from all the rivers adds absolutely nothing to filling the sea floor, right? I guess the silt evaporates and adds to heating the atmosphere...(sic)

  4. Yeah, 12:14, we DO have actual measurements, soundings and data, some of it from British Admiralty surveys in the 17th century, and it all shows no increase. I will take anyone's word over that of climate alarmists and you.

  5. Search: Dane Wiggington and geoengineeringwatch.org

    Fascinating information, very credible


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