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Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Caravan Migrants Pushed Women and Children to Front of Clash While Assaulting Officers

Forty-two caravan migrants broke into the United and were arrested on Sunday, while organizers pushed women and children to the front of the melee, a top border patrol agent told CNN.

“Forty-two [caravan migrants] crossed the border and were arrested … there were numerous people that actually made it across the border,” said Rodney Scott, Chief Patrol Agent for the San Diego Sector of the border.

The caravan’s organizers also pushed women and children to the front of the clash, Scott said November 26:

"What I find unconscionable is that people would take children intentionally into this situation. What we saw over and over yesterday was that the group, the caravan as we call them, would push women and children toward the front and then begin, basically, rocking our agents."

Scott said his agent did not aim the tear gas at the women and children who climbed up towards the wall...



  1. Looking for a parking space one time along ego alley in Annapolis. Finally spotted an open space and rushed to it. When I got there, two adult males and three adult females were linked arm in arm together across the spot. they were "saving" the spot. The woman in the center had a toddler in her arms.

    I asked them to move, they refused, so I drove into the parking space.

    The woman with the kid, then started screaming at me for trying to kill her kid.

    She went and found a cop and tried to have me arrested.

    Thankfully the officer understood intuitively what had happened. His first question was, "Did you have a sense that they were intentionally blocking the parking spot?"

    Yes, absolutely. And my question to the young lady would be, how in God's name do you think it is okay to put your child at risk in a situation like that?

    Cop said, "Good Question." and that was the end of that.

    Thank God there are still thinking human beings left in this world.

  2. Women and children as a human shield-- just like the Hamas terrorists in the middle east.

    1. Exactly, these thugs can stay in Mexico!

  3. The immigrants are acting just like what they are trying to get away from - so they say.

  4. I have posted this before and it still rings true. If these immigrants are systematically breaking the law at our border, how do you think they are going to behave once they get here?


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