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Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Lindsey Graham and the Senate aren't afraid to do the right thing on Saudi Arabia

On Sunday evening, Sen. Lindsey Graham said that if the CIA believed that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman was involved in the killing of Jamal Khashoggi that he would push for sanctions against the de facto leader of Saudi Arabia.

Khashoggi, a U.S. resident and writer for the Washington Post, was killed on apparent orders from the Saudi government when he entered the Saudi consulate in Istanbul to obtain a document required for his marriage. When Khashoggi went missing, the Saudi government at first denied that it knew anything about his disappearance. It later said that he had been killed in a fistfight at the consulate. Finally, under international pressure, the kingdom changed its story again to say that he had in fact been murdered, but that the crown prince was not himself involved.

Since then, the CIA has reportedly concluded that Khashoggi would not have been killed without an order from the crown prince. This contradicts Trump’s statement last Tuesday that Crown Prince Mohammed’s involvement was not knowable and that, at any rate, Saudi Arabia was an important ally.



  1. And we should believe all of this because the CIA says so?

    More than likely they're behind the entire thing. Why would MBS be dumb enough to have him sloppily murdered inside the Saudi consulate? The whole thing reeks of a set-up.

  2. We have much bigger problems to deal with. The guy was a muslim brotherhood radical posing as a journalist at a left wing newspaper.We cant afford Saudi to become another Iran.Leave it alone and solve problems that are important to the American people like building the wall, cutting regulations, cutting taxes,bringing sanity back to our schools and colleges.

  3. What a load! Where was Grahamnesty when Kate Steinle was murdered?

  4. The only reason any of this is even in the news is the media idiots.
    He is "One of them", and was killed.
    They never report on a regular Saudi citizen getting killed or women's rights in that country.
    This is a shame BS story, drop it and move on. He asked for it, you don't belittle the Saudi royals in the press!

  5. “CIA believed”. “Kingdom changed it’s story”. CIA has reportedly concluded”. Nothing but inuendo and B.S.


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