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Friday, September 28, 2018

Hannity: Dems Want 'Victory at All Costs'

Democrats don’t care what they have to do to derail Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, Sean Hannity said on his Fox News television program Tuesday:

“Due process, the presumption of innocence, literally mean nothing to them – especially, (Democrat) Delaware Senator Chris Coons. He actually thinks that Judge Kavanaugh has to prove his innocence; I’m not making this up.”

Hannity then played a video of Sen. Coons making the claim:

“It is Judge Kavanaugh who is seeking a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court and who, I now, think bears the burden of disproving these allegations, rather than Dr. Ford and Miss Ramirez.”

“That’s sad, really,” Hannity commented, before reminding Democrats of the assault accusations made by a woman against Keith Ellison:



  1. And so do you Sean. Victory for bnb your bank account. Hey I aint mad at ya. My problem is with the million of buffoons that actualluly believe you are providing factual analysis or a service to the public.

  2. You saying he ain't 5:07 ?????..Show the Proof ..

  3. Hannity just tells it like it is.. perhaps dramatically, but he is factually correct.

  4. Coons is an idiot. The ONLY state he could be elected in is Delaware Just like that idiot Biden. Delaware has a long standing issue with identity in the political realm. Great state to live in they just have a bunch of morons in office. All one has to do is spend a little time in slower lower Delaware to know the family tree has one branch.


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