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Friday, September 28, 2018

Game Changing Kavanaugh Bomb Drops

Two men have stepped forward and have told the Senate Judiciary Committee that they were actually the ones who assaulted Christine Blasey Ford.

According to the New York Post:

Two men have come forward to members of the Senate Judiciary Committee to claim that they are the ones who actually assaulted Christine Blasey Ford during a house party in 1982 — and not Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

Republicans on the committee released a timeline of events late Wednesday, which included details about their interactions with the two men who admitted to the attacks.

On Monday, the timeline recounts GOP staff members interviewing “a man who believes he, not Judge Kavanaugh, had the encounter with Dr. Ford in 1982.”

The “encounter” refers to an episode in which Ford claims that Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her in a bedroom at a Maryland house party.

The committee has spoken to both of the men to get more information. The first man reportedly provided more detail during his second interview.



  1. Sue her!!! Her sorry drunk A@% doesn't know when it happened exactly and who did it!! So lets blame the rich famous man and get money from him. Shes a PIG!

  2. The men also said they can positively prove they removed her top. They can tell where her freckles are, and a small port wine birthmark on one breast.

  3. Why hasn't this been on FOX News?

  4. She also was so traumatized by this that she had to go to another drinking party the next weekend. Then continue to do this for 8 more years!

  5. Were the two men identified as Cory Booker and Joe Biden?

  6. 7:24
    Which breast?
    Her right, or her left?

    Or was it to your left as you looked at her?

    So, which is it?

  7. It was Bill Clinton and Gary Hart.


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