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Friday, September 28, 2018

House admonishes communities that allow non-citizens to vote in local elections

The House voted Wednesday to go on record admonishing communities, such as San Francisco, that now allow immigrants who live in the U.S. illegally to cast ballots in local elections, calling it another way some localities are undermining federal immigration policies.

The 279-72 vote saw 49 Democrats join with nearly every Republican to protest the growing movement to expand the vote. Sixty-nine Democrats declined to take a stand, voting “present.”

The non-binding resolution does not force any changes, but did put lawmakers on record.

“If we start granting others the sacred right reserved for U.S. citizens it puts the whole democratic process at risk,” said Rep. Jeff Duncan, a South Carolina Republican who has pushed for a tougher line against localities that include immigrants who entered the U.S. illegally in their voting population.



  1. Can you imagine allowing any foreigner to come here to vote in U.S. elections? How ludicrous! The libs turned socialists turned communists have lost their minds!

    1. Indeed they have, but at this point, its the only way they can get votes!

  2. They can't vote until they earn full citizenship. Stop giving our Country away!

  3. The House voted Wednesday to go on record admonishing communities, such as San Francisco, that now allow immigrants who live in the U.S. illegally to cast ballots in local elections, calling it another way some localities are undermining federal immigration policies.

    The 279-72 vote saw 49 Democrats join with nearly every Republican to protest the growing movement to expand the vote. Sixty-nine Democrats declined to take a stand, voting “present.”

    Taking a stand is not enough. These criminal illegal aliens are not only voting in local elections, they will be voting in Federal elections. They will be influencing who represents LEGAL LAW ABIDING CITZENS on the Federal level as their Representative in Congress and who OUR President is.

    Jessie Colvin is a Progressive and he would be a dangerous Rep in the House. I am voting for Andy Harris, but Andy needs to speak up and be outspoken on this.

    BTW Jessie Colvin might have served in the US Army, but he studied Arabic and lived in Syria and taught Muslims. WTF does that tell you. Jessie Colvin is a Traitor!


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