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Thursday, September 27, 2018

Governor Larry Hogan Announces New Parental Leave Policy for State Employees; Provides 60 Days of Paid Leave

Will Introduce Legislation to Incentivize Small Businesses to Provide Parental Benefits

Governor Larry Hogan today announced a new parental leave policy for Maryland state employees, which will provide up to an additional 60 days of paid leave following the birth or adoption of a child under six years old. To provide more flexibility for working parents, the 60 days may be used any time within the first six months following the birth or adoption and does not have to be used concurrently.

The new 60 days of paid parental leave is part of Senate Bill 859, which Governor Hogan supported and signed this year. The administration is going beyond the requirements of the legislation by making the 60 days of leave available for use anytime within the first six months after birth or adoption of a child, whereas traditionally parents have had to use leave time in a bloc. This additional paid leave will be granted once the employee has exhausted his or her annual and personal leave. This benefit begins on October 1, 2018.

“We are maximizing flexibility for working parents by making these 60 days of parental leave available anytime within six months following the birth or adoption of a child,” said Governor Hogan. “Because being a new parent isn’t just about being home for the first six weeks following your son or daughter’s birth. It’s also the doctor’s appointments, check-ups, and other important needs in your child’s early stages of life.”

The governor also announced that he will be submitting the Small Business Relief Tax Credit Act of 2019 on the first day of the next legislative session in January, which will expand on last year’s legislation that provides tax credits incentivizing small businesses to offer paid sick leave to also include tax credits to small businesses that offer paid parental leave for their employees.

The governor proposed the Small Business Relief Tax Credit of 2018 to provide tax credits for small businesses providing paid sick leave for their employees, and it passed unanimously in the last legislative session. The new proposed legislation will expand eligibility for the tax credit to small businesses that provide paid parental leave and double the available tax credit for businesses that provide both paid sick leave and parental leave.

“Our administration is leading by example, and it is our hope that other employers and small businesses throughout the state will follow our lead,” said Governor Hogan.

Governor Hogan made the announcement during the administration’s Montgomery County Cabinet Day, which included a public cabinet meeting in Olney, Md., followed by nearly 100 events, tours, and meetings across the county in which state officials visit local communities and hear from citizens directly.


  1. It seems as though Jake Day's idol loves to give away other people's money as fast as he does. One has to wonder when the well will run dry

  2. Its about time. Every county does this but us.

  3. 3:04,
    Hogan still light years better than Ben Jealous!

  4. Love the gov... But this is ridiculous. It's more leave than most women get to medically recover from childbirth. Focus on that area first. Unless I can also get time off when my husband has a vasectomy? Or the man flu?

  5. This is on our dime! We bust our asses every day and dont get this. These people are supposed to be public servants but its really the other way around . 60 days --I have had 2 weeks off in 35 years as a small business owner and I have to pay for this crap! Sad Hogan should be ashamed. He keeps pandering to the democrats to the point he is becoming one.

  6. Hogan is a Rino. Maryland voters are screwed. It's a lose lose either way.
    We need fresh faces and not career politicians. After a period of time they get comfortable and forget the reason they were elected in the first place.

    Between him and Harris, as a registered Republican, I am very tempted to sit this election out in protest. Either way there really isn't any choice. Both parties have let us down. Taxation without representation.

  7. 9:37, you chose to be a small business owner. Owning your own business comes with extra costs but you also get to set your own rates and hours (whether that's working 20 hours a week or 100 or taking a months long vacation every year or only 2 weeks in 35 years).

    Hogan is proposing tax credits for small businesses who offer paid leave.

    It also says that the employee must utilize ALL their personal/sick/annual leave first.

    I think any company with a certain amount of employees should offer this option. Thankfully, my children are older. But I don't begrudge anyone being able to take paid leave to care for a child. Men AND women are eligible, as well.

  8. ECI is hiring. Get a state job and get pregnant and get 60 days off! It's a win win win situation!

  9. Paid for with the rest of the state's non-state employee workforce! How nice of you Hogan, giving our money away. I can't believe he still claims to be a Republican. No way!


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