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Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Congressman Andy Harris Sponsors Border Security Amendment to Cromnibus

WASHINGTON, DC: On Tuesday, September 25, Congressman Andy Harris (MD-01) offered a border wall amendment to H.R. 6157, the House bill funding defense, labor, HHS, and education, and continuing funding for other government agencies. His amendment would remove restrictions on Customs and Border Patrol funding for construction of new walls along our southern border.

Congressman Harris made the following statement on the amendment:

“Violent, criminal gangs like MS-13 are an increasing problem and remain a critical threat to our nation. My amendment removes Congressionally-imposed restrictions on Customs and Border Patrol authority to use border security funds for whatever purpose they feel most effective, including the construction of a border wall. The amendment would allow funding for the deployment of new sections and new designs of the border wall as President Trump and Customs and Border Patrol deem necessary. I am committed to keeping our promise to the American people to secure our nation. I am confident that my amendment will allow just that.”

1 comment:

  1. Your talk a good game Andy, but what have you been doing for all these years that this has been going on? Funny how during an election year you talk tough, but like any career politician, you don't act until your time is nearly up.

    When you first ran for office, I found you to be a breath of fresh air and I believed you cared for the people in your district, but like many politicians, the money and power of this office has corrupted you.

    I truly believe that public service should be temporary and not a career. You need to go back to your practice and live among us once more and give someone else a chance with new and fresh ideas before they too are corrupted by the office.


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