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Thursday, September 27, 2018

Just Because...


  1. Regular 12 packs are usually about $3 give or
    take, less when on sale.

    These 15 packs are typically $4.99. I don’t think some people do the most basic math to keep a dime in their own pocket.

  2. Yeah, but I'll bet they are big sellers at Wal-Mart!

  3. Yea most people theses days can't do simple math

  4. I think the point was that coke felt that they had to explain the math....

  5. These are only available in convenience stores and are offered at the same price or cheaper than what most of those stores were/are selling 12pks at. Grocery stores obviously have 12pk ads that are cheaper.

  6. Isn't that a question on the high school assessment exam??

  7. OH YEA! Diabetes three cokes faster every time!

  8. It's on the college assessment exam, 9:05 LOL!

  9. I see many folks that can't count. I run the 15 item or less checkout sometimes, and many folks can't count!

  10. Seriously that was put on the boxes for Democrats. Sadly why do all of you know where and how much cokes cost. If you are so worried about a twenty-five cent saving you should not be buying soda in the first freaking place. You remind me of the people that drive fifteen miles to save ten cents on a gallon of gas.

  11. So does the 12 pack state it is 3 cans less than a 15 pack?


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