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Sunday, September 09, 2018

6:30 PM From The Salisbury Maryland Folk Festival Saturday Night


  1. Three years ? Who is going to come back and preform after this ?

  2. The homeless guys with the backpacks will love all the thrown out food and portable bathrooms. Now they don't have to use the stairs in the lovely parking garage to pee on!

  3. Sad! Taxpayes should be reimbursed.

  4. Proud of you Jake Day!! You have solidified your place in local history as the worst mayor Salisbury has ever had. Why don't you and Daddy go begging to Jim perdue for the million or more it cost the city to put this on. I can tell you good luck getting performers to come back next year after this dismal turnout.

  5. Sad. Maybe tomorrow will be better.

  6. It’s happening!! Lol

  7. Poor planning. No idea how to prepare and host something like this - not to mention overlapping with established events in Berlin and Furnace Town. Our mayor likes to be a one man show. Could have collaborated and thought this through much better. Will end up costing us a fortune!

  8. I agree it is sad but it was so predictable.

  9. I just googled hotels in Salisbury for tonight and 43 hotels in the area popped up for availability including West Ocean City. I thought that 100,000 plus crowd was going to book every hotel in the area?


  10. Maybe again, after Sunday church services.

  11. Looks just like those campaign rallies that the lying bitch Hillary had.

  12. 9:16 PM you think 80K people are going to show up between noon and 5 tomorrow?

    I went down at 7 and there are people there but no where near anything substantial. Headed to the PRMC stage with no chairs and promptly left. Went to the Amphitheater and very few people. Walked back thru the plaza and totally missed the arts vendors because as I am told they are hidden down some street we never saw. Someone recommended a blues band, headed there and the band was great but a small crowd.

    Took the shuttle which was great but when walking past the parking garage it appears fairly empty.

    The layout is totally folked, it was a pain to navigate, the food was pricey except for the ice cream at the perdue stage which was yummy!

    Oh and for the blues band there were at least 7 bucket people begging for money, they want to take in 30K (it says on the bucket) and at the end of each band they get on stage and keep begging you to give them money.

    What potential it had the rain killed.

    1. The rain didn’t kill it. This was a dog and pony show for contracts and bids for buddies

  13. Jake Day and the National Folk Festival have something in common, in that they are both failures.

  14. what did you expect...total flop

  15. So...just city employees who are forced to drag their family's there? Good job, Jake!

  16. Jammed at trader Lee’s last night - crab feast fundraiser in west o today - all indoors and ALL well planned!!

  17. Some of the events held locally by non-profits, bike and motorcycle clubs are better run and organized. Some attract more walkers/riders too!

  18. My daughter went yesterday with a friend. She said the entertainment was good and she enjoyed it. She also said there were not alot of people there like has been advertised. She asked to go back today with her family but with the weather guessing that won't happen. I don't understand why we signed a contract for three years and paid so much money. Why couldn't we have just have had our own festival. You could hire someone to bring the acts in. You could still beg for money too. I feel sad because this has cost taxpayers more then it will bring in. You will never know that though. Jake will lie. All the pay to city employees and over time pay for the past three months will be looked as regular expenses. That will never be counted as part of the debt. Just a shame.

  19. Business's will be crying the blues around here. This was for them after all. Begged their good ole boys friends to get something going in Salisbury to make them some money.

  20. Haaaa haaaaa, what a failure.

  21. Saw some out there today in the rain with umbrellas and rain coats. It was once said of some people that they "Don't have enough sense to come in out of the rain." Wow, some people.


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