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Sunday, September 09, 2018

Dear Nike: Colin Kaepernick didn't sacrifice 'everything,' and it wasn't for a good cause

On a day dedicated to the working man, Nike damaged its reputation by partnering with the most prominent unemployed man in sports.

In order to celebrate the 30th year of their “Just Do It” campaign, Nike has made former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick the face of it.

Rovell's tweet has been liked 340,000 times, with another tweet from Kaepernick's own account liked more than 550,000 times.

Now, where do we begin?

For starters, sacrificing everything for something one believes in is not necessarily wise if your cause is bad. Kamikaze pilots in World War II did this, so do suicide bombers in the 21st century. Kaepernick, of course, is well-intentioned. But just because he sacrificed something doesn't mean he was doing it for a good cause. Kaepernick has been seen wearing socks that depict police officers as pigs. He wore a t-shirt featuring Fidel Castro, the late communist dictator of Cuba who was no fan of human rights. Kaepernick also donated $25,000 to a group honoring cop-killer Assata Shakur. Nike apparently finds this noble and has been paying money to be associated with Kaepernick.

That said, did Kaepernick really sacrifice "everything," as the advertising says?



  1. Americans will boycott Nike over an an advertisement but not the Catholic church after they cover up child rape for decades.

    1. What do you say to Muslim and Islam ?

    2. They're the same, genius

  2. That's awkward moment when conservatives care more about a Nike commercial than children being raped by the catholic church. The only thing the right boycotts is common sense

    1. 1152,1153 you voted for Clinton who covered up multiple rapes. Typical hypocrite snowflake.

  3. Kapperdunce - gave up nothing and wastes perfectly good oxygen

  4. You all think that the swoosh company didn't think 8th is through.... they are racking up so much free media it's unreal

  5. 1152, I boycott both. You should, too.

  6. if he was a productive QB & won games he could run out there with a crucifix hanging out of his butt & people would look the other way.

  7. buy Under Armour.........MADE IN THE USA!!!!!!!!

  8. We the people will bring Nike to there Knees it's going to be called a kaperneck.

  9. 12:22- They've lost over 3 billion dollars since Friday. That is hardly free!

  10. 11:52 I think a lot of Americans are boycotting the Catholic Church and this Pope.


    2. How many Muslims and there Clerics rape children Every day and marry them ? And you fools want open boarders for this scum.

    3. 3:56 you have no rebuttal, instead you change the enemy to muslims because that's what fox tells you to do. Pathetic

  11. 11:52, 53 i bet you are for open borders tho. look at other countries that have taken in all those so called refugees. rape and violence galore. look at the rise of MS-13's rape and violence since their numbers are growing due to their illegal buddies and relatives coming in and hiding in sanctuary cities and counties. But lets all over look that. oh and btw isnt your pope on the liberal side? its your tolerance that has done that.

    1. Who the hell said anything about open borders? Are you successful in life making baseless claims and putting words in people's mouths?


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