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Monday, August 13, 2018

Trump: FBI, DOJ ‘Had a Program’ to Prevent My Presidency

‘This is a Media coverup of the biggest story of our time,’ he says

President Donald Trump on Sunday alleged that the FBI and U.S. Department of Justice may have conspired to prevent him from becoming president.

Quoting “Fox & Friends,” Trump tweeted: “Seems like the Department of Justice (and FBI) had a program to keep Donald Trump from becoming President”. @DarrellIssa @foxandfriends If this had happened to the other side, everybody involved would be in jail. This is a Media coverup of the biggest story of our time.”

“Seems like the Department of Justice (and FBI) had a program to keep Donald Trump from becoming President”. @DarrellIssa @foxandfriends If this had happened to the other side, everybody involved would be in jail. This is a Media coverup of the biggest story of our time.



  1. Actually, the biggest story of our time is how an uneducated, unqualified, misogynistic bigot made his way into the Oval Office.

    1. Omg..... how dare you speak like that about OBAMA snow flake


  2. An official attempt at using the full-blown powers (some are still top secret) of the government to subvert a Presidential election.
    No one has went to jail.
    The stuff of revolution.
    Further, they CONTINUE to subvert the agenda of the ELECTED president because they don't like him.
    No one has gone to jail and several of the people STILL HAVE THEIR JOB.
    WHO among you disputes the "Two Sets of Laws" theory?
    Why don't YOU try to film the destruction of subpoenaed evidence or tell the prosecutor that you will turn over evidence AFTER you have decided which evidence YOU think they need. Try storing classified info on your home computer. Or giving access to that info to a FOREIGNER.
    You'd already be IN prison.
    You'd be reading (in between getting raped or beaten) about THEIR latest vacation in Hawaii.
    And you cheer???
    You should be gathering all the rope you can get and marching on these wanna-be Nazi's.
    It doesn't matter if you love Hillary or not, you HAVE to desire "equality under the law". Oh. You don't??
    Keep cheering.
    If you don't have rope, well, use whatever ya got.

    1. Sorry. You lost me at “No one has went to jail”
      Pure shorebilly grammar.

  3. Well if they were trying to keep Trump out of office, they didn't do a very good job of it. Should have hired the Russians.


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