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Monday, August 13, 2018

Lenin Updated: "Turn The Globalist War Into A Race War"

It’s déjà vu all over again.

First US President Donald Trump meets with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki and appears to make some progress towards his stated goal of putting ties between Washington and Moscow on a positive course. Immediately, all hell breaks loose. Trump is a called a traitor. The “sanctions bill from hell” is introduced in the Senate. Trump is forced on the defensive.

Next Republican Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky visits Moscow, where he meets with Putin and gives him a letter from Trump proposing moderate steps towards rapprochement. Paul also talks with Russian Senators and invites them to come to Washington to continue the dialogue. Immediately, all hell breaks loose. Paul is called a traitor. The State Department “finds” the Russians guilty of the using illegal chemical weapons (CW) in the United Kingdom and imposes sanctions. Trump is forced even more on the defensive.

In each instance the actions of the Washington establishment, both in Congress and in even in departments and agencies allegedly part of the Executive Branch of government headed by Trump, moved quickly to nip in the bud even the most tentative efforts by Trump to keep his campaign pledge. With regard to the new CW sanctions it is unclear whether Trump had anything to do with them at all; most likely they either were imposed without his participation or he acceded to them because he felt he had no other option.



  1. They better hope there isn't a race snoowflake war it will last 3 dayss once we pull them out of mommy's basement.

  2. So wait.....Trump is the toughest POTUS on Russia....but actually he was forced or tricked into sanctions??

  3. 12:57, you talk tough. Bet you would piss yourself if bullets started flying.

    1. Loll snowflake your day is coming pal we the EEAL PATRIOTS are just waiting .......tick tock.

    2. 419
      The only on pissing in there pants will be you punk after you are allowed out of mom's basement your day of reckoning is coming.

      Ps go to fat boys website with your lib social anti American commie Coward BS.

  4. Obama is working the war. Think about it.

    1. Ever notice how Obastard doubled his SS detail for when he was done tearing America apart paid for by George Soros ?.


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