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Monday, August 13, 2018

Pollak: Almost Nobody Cares About Charlottesville Except NBC, CNN, and 200 Neo-Nazis

The media — particularly NBC and CNN — are abuzz about the anniversary of last year’s Charlottesville riot, which Americans had largely forgotten.

The only people who care are a handful of neo-Nazis, and the journalists who amplify them in an effort to tarnish the White House, boost Democrats’ election prospects, smear conservative media, and vent their contempt for the rest of America.

Last year, on August 11, a group of right-wing extremists marched in Charlottesville, some to protest the removal of a statue of Confederate general Robert E. Lee, and some simply to spew hatred. The next day, on August 12, they marched again — and so did masked left-wing extremists of Antifa.

There were violent clashes, and a young woman named Heather Heyer was killed after a white nationalist driver drove his car into the counter-protest.

Not everyone on either side was an extremist. The New York Times reported that some protesters simply wanted to protest the removal of the statue. Likewise, not all of the counter-protesters were violent.

When President Donald Trump stated that there were “very fine people on both sides,” while also condemning the violence on “many sides,” he was stating the truth — but the media pounced, claiming falsely that he had endorsed the white supremacists.


1 comment:

  1. Call me a Nazi bc i love America good them i am a NAZI.


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