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Monday, August 13, 2018

Trump Slams Sessions: "He Is Scared Stiff And Missing In Action"

Ten days after Trump lashed out at Jeff Sessions, when on August 1st he demanded the Attorney General "should stop this Rigged Witch Hunt right now", the president once again escalated his attacks on Sessions on Saturday, tweeting that Sessions is "scared stiff" and "Missing in Action" in a series of tweets questioning if there will be an Inspector General report about the Steele dossier, Steele's meetings with former Deputy Attorney General, Bruce Ohr and Ohr's wife, Nellie Ohr.

Trump attacked former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele, the man at the center of the Trump dossier scandal, who had extensive contacts with the Department of Justice's former #4 ranked official, before and after the FBI opened its Trump-Russia probe in the summer of 2016, according to new emails recently turned over to Congressional investigators.

That official, Bruce Ohr, was demoted twice after the DOJ's Inspector General discovered that he lied about his involvement with opposition research firm Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson - who employed Steele. Ohr's CIA-linked wife, Nellie, was also employed by Fusion as part of the firm's anti-Trump efforts, and had ongoing communications with the ex-UK spy, Christopher Steele as well, suggesting that Steele was much closer to the Obama administration than previously disclosed, and his DOJ contact Bruce Ohr reported directly to Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates - who approved at least one of the FISA warrants to surveil Trump campaign aide Carter Page.



  1. Trump must know something Sessions doesn't know or Sessions knows something Trump doesn't know. One thing I know is that it's not right to publicly demean an employee but there is obviously a lot that we don't know.

  2. Could you ever see Lyndon Johnson putting up with this mess for more that 24 hours!

  3. In a "Clinton" administration, he would have committed suicide by now...

  4. Donald, If you don't approve of Sessions' performance, you should can him and stop whining about it.

  5. No President in modern history has ever had to put up with the traitorous media and government employees President Trump has to fight every single day. Somewhere along the line there will be hell to pay for their actions. There is no chance of a civil war because the traitors know they could never win it, their only hope is to try to get Trump kicked out of office and if that happens you can believe there WILL be hell to pay.

  6. Sessions is worthless.
    I think he's being blackmailed.
    It's the ONLY explanation that makes sense....


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