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Monday, August 13, 2018

Newt: 'A Political Revolution'

The primary significance of Ohio's special election and the other state primaries on Tuesday is that President Donald Trump and his supporters are becoming the prevailing voice in the Republican Party, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich claimed.

"The biggest takeaway message from Tuesday's primaries and the Ohio special election is that the Republican Party is becoming President Trump's party," Gingrich wrote Saturday in an opinion piece for Fox News.

"Now President Trump has begun to grow a Trump Republican Party. The examples from Tuesday are striking, but this growth started earlier. In primary after primary, President Trump has proved to be a decisive voice," he added.

Gingrich called the Tuesday wins of Republican Troy Balderson, who appears to have enjoyed a narrow win against Democrat Danny O'Connor in Ohio's 12th Congressional District, as well as GOP primary victories in close elections in Kansas, Georgia, Montana and South Carolina, the "fifth major achievement" of Trump's presidency.

He outlined the other four achievements as:

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