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Monday, August 13, 2018

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckberg Personally Made Decision to Ban Alex Jones

When an ordinary account gets banned on Facebook, it’s possible that no human was ever involved in the decision. Not so for Alex Jones and Infowars. According to the New York Times, the order to ban the radio host came from the very top.

Citing sources from inside Facebook, The New York Times reported on the process that led to Jones’ suspension.

The situation was volatile enough that Mr. Zuckerberg got personally engaged, according to two people involved in Facebook’s handling of the accounts. He discussed Infowars at length with other executives, and mused privately about whether Mr. Jones — who once called Mr. Zuckerberg a “genetic-engineered psychopath” in a video — was purposefully trying to get kicked off the platform to gain attention, they said.

The Times’ article is a flurry of contradictions. It simultaneously calls fears of censorship “overblown” while acknowledging that users of the platforms must now “tip-toe around” controversial topics to avoid being banned.



  1. Paid for by George Soros.

  2. So, there was this recent trip to Congress to testify. Interesting, he gets heat there then all the sudden Alex Jones is turned off of the largest social media platform in the world. Here they go again, silencing their opposition.

  3. Zuckerberg is nothing but the Devil!!

  4. Alex and Mark are BOTH CIA feeding us the script of the day. Don’t trust either person. They are controlled opposition and will never speak about WHO the elites really are.

    1. Mark is the elite now. Amazon googel YouTube. The top elites. All Liberals.... you think Trump is feeding Mark ? Silliness

  5. Will YouTube delete the new black Panthers hate ?

  6. Hope he sues the hell out them.


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