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Monday, August 13, 2018

Rick Scott Demands Evidence of Election Meddling in Florida

Gov. Rick Scott (R-FL) is demanding Sen. Bill Nelson (D-FL) provide proof to back up his statement that Russian operatives penetrated Florida’s election systems ahead of this year’s crucial election.

Scott, who is is running against Nelson in November’s midterm elections, during a campaign stop in Tampa, demanded his opponent provide “evidence for his claims,” of Kremlin-linked hackers infiltrating the state’s election systems. “This cannot be swept under the rug,” said Scott. “Bill Nelson must come clean and provide a thorough explanation. Elections are not something to try to scare people about.”

“Either Bill Nelson knows of crucial information the federal government is withholding from Florida elections officials, or he is simply making things up,” added Scott. “Did Nelson illegally release some classified information? Or did he make this charge of Russian penetration up?”

Nelson earlier in the week claimed that Russians were able to get inside the election systems of “certain counties” and “now have free rein to move about.”



  1. Hmm. They have been known to make things up. Without proofs of whatever it is he's complaining about, it has to be assumed that there is nothing to back it up, which makes it yet another lie that sticks in the minds of the electorate and scratches the scabs of healing.

  2. nelson is a democrat and there isn't a democrat alive who is a good, honest, decent person. All democrats lie pathologically.


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