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Monday, August 13, 2018

The smartphone cleanse: A 7-day guide to a digital detox

The invention of smartphones has become a double-edged sword for many Americans. On one hand, their useful tools have made life easier, but on the flip side, they have become a massive distraction for many.

According to a new study, smartphones are not only deteriorating face-to-face time, they’re also causing more disorganization than ever before. Nearly half of parents polled by a Wakefield Research study said they have missed snapping an important photo or video of a key moment in their child’s life because their phone didn’t have enough storage space.

Additionally, 60% of Americans say they can’t wait even one minute to check a notification on their phone because it causes them stress. Meanwhile, more than half of millennials (52%) said they can’t even go to sleep knowing they have an unread notification on their phone.

Deb Lee, a digital productivity coach, says it’s time for people to stop and rethink their relationship with their device before it’s too late.

Lee teamed up with Xfinity Mobile to launch, “The Phone Cleanse: A Modern Guide to Improve Your Mobile Well-Being,” to educate people on how to best use their devices.

More here


1 comment:

  1. show me where & how these phones have made life easier.


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