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Sunday, August 12, 2018

Chicago Calls On Trump For Help, Obama's Friend Rahm Emanuel's Time Is Up


  1. Let them go!! There ridding society of a whole generation all by themselves

  2. Dave T: They were stupid enough to elect him, now they can have him. Rahm Emmanuel and his idiot brother are both total scum. This is the socialist who crafted the great fear mongering quote, "You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that, it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before." Yeah, like manipulate people. Rahm's real good at that. Rahm, I think I'd like you a lot better if you were hanging from a telephone pole for all to see! That way you could rot in public as a reminder of how truly despicable you really are. I keep 100 feet of rope in my car just in case the day comes when its time to give people like you the justice they deserve. Be glad I'm not from Chicago you puny, coward piece of trash.

  3. Trump needs to help. To show America how to be successful. The democrats have shown what hatred and divide is all about.

  4. My mamma always said "you made your bed , now lay in it" .

  5. Let God's will be done. When you vote democrat you are voting for a party whose platform is the doctrine of satan and God will punish. That is why the inner cities are the way they are. They are democrat strongholds and God is punishing them. They can go to church, quote scripture but when you vote democrat you are NOT a Christian and you will NOT fool God.

  6. They grew it by voting stupidly for generations now and behaving irresponsibly so they deserve then to wallow in the crime and poverty of their own creation.

  7. I say he should help them. Show them what the other side can achieve once the democrats get the hell out of the way. The people in the video have seen that. Others will too given time.

  8. The “help” they want is MONEY, & lots of it.

  9. Obama's DOJ with Holder and Lynch policies told the Police to stand down and quit doing their jobs. Their Judges refuse to lock'em up. They destroyed the death penalty. They exploited gangs and drugs and sanctuary status for illegals. As long as Chicago elects Democrats and revolt against Police then they straighten it out on their own not using my tax dollars.

  10. Im with 1:55... Rahm like his butt boy obama they are two deceiving lying pieces of excrement. Except not enough rope to rid this nation of these traitors

  11. Where's Paul Kersey when you need him? Appears some of these morons have a death wish

  12. Let them eliminate themselves - then come in for clean up duty!

  13. Getting rid of Rahm better make a difference,but my guess is that it will not.

  14. I have no sympathy. Years of obama and democrats demonizing the police and police fear being brought up on charges if they are proactive is one of the reasons for this. It's not only Chicago but Baltimore and many more cities. Immoral voters caused this so they have no other choice but to suck it up. Don't use any federal money or resources. Let them suffer the consequence they caused and they deserve.

  15. Sorry folks.
    You are not allowed to criticize Rham Emanuel.
    He is from the Tribe. Has dual citizenship. His father helped kill thousands of indigenous people in Palestine, so he is Royalty as it were.

    Need to blame it on the thugs and gangs.


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