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Sunday, August 12, 2018

A Viewer Writes: Ben Jealous in Salisbury Maryland

Was at my favorite Thursday night spot (Specific Gravity) and noticed a lot of geeks & freaks hanging out. Definitely not the normal crowd and it wasn't long before it all came together. 

Yep, Ben was in town. A small group of kids were waiting hand-mouth for the not-so-great oracle to speak. He chatted with them for 15-20 minutes took a few pictures and headed out. 

Nothing too news worthy; other than these were not people from around here. Not the regular hipsters or progress knuckle heads - beware SBY they live amongst us! 

Vote (R) across the board this November!


  1. If it had been the locals in attendance - I would have expected him to be laughed out of the place!


  2. Was he dropping the F-bomb there, or does he reserve that for reporters from the friendly Amazon owned Washington Post when they ask if he's a socialist? Didn't answer her question but embraced Obamacare with a big verbal hug.

    Showed his lack of couth in that earlier exchange. No interest in this clown show!

    Be registered and vote; you know all the dead thugs from Baltimore will somehow manage to make it to the polls.

  3. See, I had ben jealous that I didn't make it out to specific gravity last night for a slice and a beer, but it looks like I didn't miss anything after all.

  4. We were there too. Was wondering why a couple of people were wearing, what looked like, smurf hats?

  5. I bet Snowflakes where drooling at there little boy.

  6. Re you f-ing kidding me?

  7. Were the P-heads -- Pollitt, Pagano and Pretl -- there?

  8. Idiot. Totally clueless….

  9. Where were the resistance team when needed. He should have been flushed out in the street. Guess this doesn't count but for certain people, right Maxine? They treat great people like Sarah Sanders awful, but are afraid to move on this trash. I know the government tells business folks what they can do and can't, but I'll get my slice down the street from now on.

  10. Was he wearing a pink pussy hat ?

  11. Anonymous said...
    Were the P-heads -- Pollitt, Pagano and Pretl -- there?

    August 10, 2018 at 1:29 PM

    What about Josh Hastings? He and Jealous are birds of a feather -- socialists.

    1. let's not forget Jackie Finch and that crazy Educator S. Olsen too

  12. What a SLIME BALL.

  13. I don't like Hogan anymore, but I don't think this guy has a chance.

  14. Does Jealous identify as "black." Is he counting on the lock-step black voters of Baltimore to put him in office?

  15. Was Carl Ass kissing Anderton thier to bow down

  16. since hogan is such a wannabe, ya'll better be nice to our former naacp president and next guv of peoples republic of maryland! this state is a freakin joke!


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