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Sunday, August 12, 2018

Any Questions?


  1. Lets also talk about the elephant in the room. Who is causing most of this?
    But of course to ask this question will get the response that you are a racist!


  3. You left out Chicago.

  4. You missed Chicago!

  5. What is Rust belt cities with industry drying up and shipping overseas since the 80s for 1000 Alex

  6. You forgot the pictures of Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Mark Cuban, Warren Buffet, Alice Walton and Oprah. All Democrats and all billionaires.

    1. Well 9:59, maybe they can fix these cities.

  7. Right. So... lets look at red states and red counties... see how they are doing... oh wait.. that's right... the poorest states, counties, and counties are all red.

    It almost would seem, that socioeconomic success is a bit more complex than just "blue vs red", and using this metric exposes your lack of knowledge and understanding about it.

  8. Yes 11:42 if you follow fake news left leaning CNN articles..according to forbes however you are wrong!!! Libturd

    The poorest states, based on per capita income, are, from first to last: Mississippi, Arkansas, Tennessee, West Virginia, Louisiana, Montana, South Carolina, Kentucky, Alabama, and North Carolina. Of these, exactly half—Arkansas, Kentucky, Montana, North Carolina, and West Virginia—have Democratic governors and three have Democratic majorities in the lower house of their legislature, so these state governments can hardly be classified as completely Republican. On the other hand, only North Carolina voted for Obama in 2008, so in that sense, these states may be leaning Republican.

  9. Yes 11:42 if you follow fake news left leaning CNN articles..according to forbes however you are wrong!!! Libturd

    The poorest states, based on per capita income, are, from first to last: Mississippi, Arkansas, Tennessee, West Virginia, Louisiana, Montana, South Carolina, Kentucky, Alabama, and North Carolina. Of these, exactly half—Arkansas, Kentucky, Montana, North Carolina, and West Virginia—have Democratic governors and three have Democratic majorities in the lower house of their legislature, so these state governments can hardly be classified as completely Republican. On the other hand, only North Carolina voted for Obama in 2008, so in that sense, these states may be leaning Republican.

  10. 11:42

    The more important factor is not the economic ranking of states at a point in time, but the overall trends. An important article by John Merline compared the economic performance of blue states and red states during the presidency of Barack Obama. The trend of economic indicators clearly favors Republican states. Democratic states have experienced lower growth in both jobs and income in the last few years. Home prices have fallen further in blue states, and their unemployment rates are higher. In other words, a dynamic economic analysis of the states casts a far more favorable light on Republican states than static analysis. Since real life is dynamic, not static, Republicans can make the stronger case about which party is best suited to lead the way to greater prosperity.

  11. The most fundamental difference between the data that conservatives prefer—that the 10 poorest cities are longtime Democratic strongholds—and the data that liberals will be more inclined to cite—that the 10 poorest states are predominantly Republican, is that conservatives can point to actual policies that Democrats implemented that contributed to the impoverishment of the cities, while the liberals cannot point to specific GOP policies that have caused the poorer states to lag behind.

    The Democratic case is illusory and circumstantial; the Republican case is solid and substantial. However, in a country where so many people are economically and historically illiterate, combined with the human proclivity whereby “a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest” (Paul Simon, “The Boxer”), the Democrats may be able to score some points with a hollow argument. The Republicans, though, have the facts on their side.

    Drop mike go back to mommies basement 11:42 who is ignorant 11:42?? Anyone who believes democrat BS thats who!!

  12. The real problem is that you people seem to believe that others are evil or bad because they chose to vote differently than you do. Seems to go hand in hand with those that think their god is the only god when in fact christians are nowhere near the largest religion in the world.

    Live and let live. You will be much happier in life without all the hate inside you.

  13. That must be Trump's fault, Obama would never let that happen. LOL


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