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Sunday, August 12, 2018

As Seen On Facebook


  1. Hey Joe, what we need is a posting of where the Worcester County cameras are. Please!

  2. Don't speed and there will be no worry about where cameras are

  3. It’s not hard people, the cameras are not hidden. Look straight ahead and read the signs. A speed limit sign with a sign saying photo enforced might be a clue

  4. Revenue enhancement in the name of safety locations.
    Big brother is everywhere and we want your hard earned money.

  5. Most school zones,either temporary cameras in vehicles,or the big white boxes on the roadside. Either way there are signs.

  6. That's ONE way to raise money for the folk festival!

    1. you are correct

      one day....I see one school light blinking

      other light not blinking

      so all who go through there above 30 mph

      40.00 ticket for Jake Day Fu## Fest

  7. Just during school hours of course...

    1. Negative

      365 days a year

  8. Obey the law won't be concerned about a speed camera....simple solution!

  9. Missed the one on South Division Street at Onley Road, North Bound Traffic and the one on Emerson Ave near North Salisbury School on the South Bound traffic.

  10. Fruitland has them all over also; the one near Bennett construction(camden ave)just south of Allan cutoff is a catch all

  11. SOON, thanks to your unbridled cheering, these things will be all over every American road in the country.
    You seem to love the idea of 24-7, sky-to-ground monitoring and surveillance of everything you do.
    Naïve, to say the least.
    Keep cheering.

  12. You forgot the one in Delmar on Foskey Lane by the elementary school, the one in Salisbury on Emerson Ave. by the elementary school and the one in Fruitland on N. Division St. before the circle intersection.

  13. Camera takes a picture of the car, not the driver. No points, no effect on your license, no effect on your insurance. Just pay the fine. Big whoop.

    1. cannot get new tags

      or tag renewal

      with any of these unpaid

  14. 40 bucks / but no points

  15. Worcester county sheriff’s department and MSP are all over 113 from Berlin to Pocomoke - I for one am very glad to see them! I make sure I leave early enough to get to work and there are no worries!

  16. Joe Holloway told the town of Pittsville it was a waste of time and a big headache to install cameras in front of and behind the school. BUT! Bob Harris wants these cameras because that is going to pay his salary when the small money grant he has found runs out.I can see cameras there during school months but the fine money after the fees are paid the rest should go to Pittsville School.

  17. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Just during school hours of course...

    August 8, 2018 at 12:19 PM

    NO. 6am to 8pm I believe. But not on weekends

  18. Too much leeway..12 miles over BEFORE receiving a fine !! Good grief !!!! ...Sending a MIXED message to drivers !! .. imagine that !!!


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