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Sunday, July 01, 2018

Today's Big Story, Council President Jack Heath Rubber Stamps Another Massive Waterfront Taxpayer Giveaway

 So let's start this off with the location. The two waterfront lots above are towards the end of Market Street near Rt. 13. Here's a number I want you to remember. In the 1970's the City of Salisbury paid $240,000.00 for ONE of these lots, (the parking lot). 

The second lot has a pavilion on it. The proposal is to create an open air Bar/Restaurant/Beer Garden. When I read through the documents it became extremely evident that the Mayor, Council and Attorney purposely and carefully worded the agreement to leave out numerous commitment details. The one that made me most curious is, since this will be a completely outdoor bar/restaurant, how will they be able to remain open ALL YEAR ROUND? Will the liquor board really accept this? The Mayor and Council just sold this riverfront lot for $5,000.00!!!!! Let me spell that out, FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS.
When you look at the above document and you come to realize the City hid this entire RFP under yesterdays agenda with surplus bicycles from the Salisbury Police Department. Pretty slick, eh? Nevertheless, study the above paragraph. The crooked politicians involved KNEW this was in the works for Lord knows how many months in advance. How on God's green earth can anyone believe this entire project can be completed by August 30th, 2018? Permits, build out, health department reviews, construction and ultimately inspections, it's literally impossible. Clearly Mayor Day, (for his Good Ol' Boys) can make the impossible happen before his National Follk Festival in September, 2018.  
OK, how many days a week will they remain open? Will the liquor board require, (like everyone else) they remain open most days of the year?

Then there's the following SECOND LOT, (below). 
The City Taxpayers paid $240,000.00 for this lot on the river, cleared it, redesigned it to become a parking lot and then created sidewalks and curbing. So let's just say they had $400,000.00 invested into this lot. Are you serious, they just sold this riverfront lot for $15,000.00!!! YES, FIFTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS.

Here's the catch, just in case someone had some sort of heads up before last night's decision. Below you will see how the parties involved actually offered to pay $125,000.00, (which was a major steal in the first place) yet they got both lots for a total of $20,000.00. Oh hell yeah it was your election to lose. 
You can GO HERE and start on page 51. Page 71 also provides more details. Look, I'm personally sick and tired of delivering all of you massive details, facts and documents only to watch you bitch and complain on a Blog and then do absolutely nothing about it. 

So, the big question I have is, What are YOU going to do about this??? Maybe if we get a few more thousand ECI and MS13 members moving/renting more Salisbury properties there won't be any registered voters to give a crap anyway. It's up to you to change it. The entire City Council rubber stamped everything last night without any questions being asked. 


  1. Ah, yes. the good ole boys are at it again. Wonder when the gillis name comes up!

  2. I'm not even going to complain anymore because it falls on deaf ears. The city is run by bullies and wannabes who say one thing and do another, every time costing the taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars. The old firehouse, Station 16, the parking lots, the list goes on and on.

    1. Don’t forget the developer reimbursements and failed prototype Wastewater Treatment Plant. Tens of millions, not hundreds of thousands!

  3. The BIG issue is that Jack Heath, who co-led this with Day is running for County Executive! I moved from the city to the county to avoid this taxpayer exploitation. Vote, folks. Keep Jack Heath out of the County Exec’s office or we’ll suffer the same fate, maybe worse. I know he and Day would love to collude and give away all the city and county assets to their buddies.

  4. I hope the sheriff looks into this or the MSP.

  5. And this spineless schmuck wants to be County Executive so that he can be the tool of the mayor and his developer/banker/landlord/investor buddies? The unlimited PAC money will be flowing like water from Baltimore and Chicago, just as it did for Day.

    The writing is on the wall, people. Jack Heath should NOT, repeat, NOT be elected this fall.

  6. I did what any smart man would do...I built a house just over the state line in Delaware! I'll watched the city & county go down the tubes from here!

  7. Nobody in Salisbury to file a lawsuit? This is Malfeeses in Office. This is thievery. This deal should be nullified ASAP. Where is the Lawyers that are supposed to protect tax payers from these things. Glad I don't live in Salisbury City Limits. Culver needs to enforce payments from the City ASAP and cease in giving the City any more County tax dollars. Remove all the City politians starting with the Mayor. Then block all pay raises they just passed.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. How can these thieves get away with stealing from the citizens like this? Is there no authorities to stop this? This is criminal!!

  10. Wait, theres nothing to protect crooks from giving away citizens property to their crime partners? Clearly this is theft.

  11. Ryan miller, the owner of the monkey barrel bought it? The monkey barrel being where the police had to go every night to babysit the drunks being let out?!

    1. Great coverage, Joe. Does anyone know what the charter requirements are for surplussing and selling city Real Estate? Was it properly advertised, etc.? Was Project Open Space or any other money with restrictions used by the city for the original purchase or improvements. I don’t live in the city, but this appears to be a pretty smelly deal. That’s where I’d look first if I was a city taxpayer looking to right a wrong and expose public corruption. Then, a recall would be in order.

  12. Over one million dollars worth of property for chump change....takes alot of nerve to pull off a heist like that.

  13. Really makes you wonder what kind of behind the scenes deal Day and Heath received for this free prime real-estate. Hard to believe prosecutors and investigators wouldnt be all over this. Such blatant criminals running this city in the ground.

  14. Amazing that the taxpayers of Salisbury buys all the smoke and mirrors of Jake the Snake. But what should worry the residents of Wicomico County is do they want Jake the Snake to control everything in the county. If not,Jack Heath is his puppet and this is an example of it. You need to to really consider who you are supporting.

  15. Here's another interesting thought. The City paid $240,000.00 fr the parking lot in the 1970's. Are you, (Day & Heath) trying to tell the taxpayers property value, (especially waterfront) has decreased -$225,000.00 in 40 years?

  16. That is F**KING INSANE!! That is highway robbery to the county and city taxpayers!!! Jack Heath and Jake Day need to go to jail for that.

    I've lost a lot of faith in Mark Tilghman for also rubber stamping this as the city attorney. This is absolutely disgusting.

  17. What don't City and County Attorney's do something about all of this? What a big waste of money that they get paid if they cannot do their jobs and protect the citizens out here from crap like this.

  18. I wonder if the mayor would accept that amount for the property if HE owned it himself?

  19. This deal was hashed out several months ago down at the PNC Building downtown.
    To Be 1 Ask 1

    1. This makes it a crime if your statement is true.

  20. 9:06 PM His BS excuse is that the city will recoup the loss thru tax income generated on the new business on the property. IF it stay open 5 years, and even if it does it will NOT generate $255000 in tax revenue in 5 years.

    But that's gonna be the crap he feeds you

  21. 9:06. Hell no he wouldn't. But does he actually own his home now or is it his dad?

  22. How about the properties at the northeast corner of West Main and Lake Streets purchased for several hundred thousand dollars by the City over 20 years ago to be redeveloped? There were several taxpaying properties there which are now City owned parking lots which are almost never used. This crap goes on and on!!!!


  23. Atty General Froth will get right on this! /sarc

  24. Wow, Joe, nice catch! This just shows to go ya that Jack Heath is in the County race to spread this kind of graft from the City into the County!

    Short of just plain shooting the bast*rd, he needs to be kneecapped in this election cycle.

  25. Well just look at the City Attorney...

  26. So, Jake NEEDS a quick liquor licensed stand for his "festival" really quick and gives away a quarter million dollars to get it costing the taxpayers on a property that will bring no income and be closed all but 3 days a year.

    Got it.

    For more of this, vote for Jack Heath!

    1. Jack heath and Jake day need to be Investigated by the IG.

  27. exactly why they need to change the regulations regarding who can run for the election of the mayors position if you made it so anyone in Wicomico county could run for office maybe you would have a better chance at getting a more suitable candidate..

  28. This guy is the President of the Salisbury City Council and this is what he wants to do?

    Vote for this clown and expect to see Wicomico County become Salisbury County. You think the taxes are high now... Stand by!

  29. Mark Tilghman is being paid well to represent the citizens of Salisbury, not the lead crooks in this gang of crooks. Prison for all of them!

  30. This is actually funny stuff to me. When I was out there working the street we had to go to Fruitland or Delmar to get some action (fight, booze, women). The only watering hole in this now dirty town at the time was below ground pushing Italian dishes "Saddle Club" or a Oyster Bar (Kelly's) . We made out fine without having the problems downtown, ( Open Air Bar)...Beer Garden, lol. What the heck are these idiot's trying to make it like the ole "Block" in the crime invested Baltimore? Aren't there enough bars there already. I haven't seen Guy Fieri in his Camero riding around town looking for a "Dive", have you?

    Just say NO to Heath as a county employee. Do you see any positive things he has done for the town?

  31. I am in sales and my job covers the entire Eastern Shore. I'm amazed at the negative comentside I hear about Salisbury.Knowing I'm From the area they ask me what in Hell happened to this once envy city of the Eastern Shore. I just shake my head and say, incompetent people being elected and a good old boy network that only look out for each other.I was once proud to say I was from Salisbury but now I'm not.

  32. Shows a lot about the character and INTEGRITY of your boy mayor and his band of tgievth

  33. I am speechless at this. Heath doesn't need to be county exec or city council prez. Jake? He loves spending our money and wasting it for any photo op and padding his buddies pockets before next election cycle.

  34. And don't forget the mayor, then council member, helped remove property restrictions on station 16 so Gillis boys could use the property as backup plan once HQ live tanked (a.k.a Daily Times building).

  35. The city attorney doesn't have anything to do with this other than to make sure that it's all legal, with t's crossed and i's dotted. He may not like the land sale, but that's not his job to try to stop it.

  36. Hey, I will gladly pay $50,000 for the small lot with the pavilion! Who do I see at City Hall?

  37. Nice deal if you can get it.
    Sounds similar to what Baltimore did many years ago to get rid of the blight around the old McCormick plant. They sold condemned houses for a dollar if the buyers agreed to rehabilitate them. It worked there but this is much different. There is no blight along Market Street.

    This deal stinks more than a Red Tide and the citizens should be asking questions as to why a handful of developers are getting sweetheart deals from the city.

  38. Keep in mind Day, Heath, and city council removed development restrictions on small lot next to Brew River, another 10K lot giveaway

    1. I think that parcel had Federal “Open Space” money in it that would need to repaid.

  39. ryan miller...miller land service from somerset???

  40. People, one thing these thieves do not fear is we the people saying anything. What they do fear is when we actually do something about it. They make deals like this and laugh at us. Their mind set is, "They won't do a damn thing." Then laugh and go home. R. Miller knows damn well what he has done. My thinking is they had this planned for a while now. It's time we stand up to these scum bags and show them who has the real power around here. Where do all these people live?

    1. How could going from a low offer to giving it away not be pre planned?

  41. They'll fail to get the liquor license and open by the August 2018 date, but the city will hope that nobody notices, like when the lot next to Parker Place was sold for a song to business buddies of Barrie Tilghman's husband and putting in a garden center was part of the deal with the city. Only after people complained a year and a half later did they put some overpriced flats of plants out there for sale, most of which baked to death on the tarmac. A couple of years later, it was as you see it now, mostly abandoned.

  42. so tell me how did Muir Boda get elected to the Wicomico Republican Central committee when he has been out endorsing Jack Heath? He is also on the city Council and buddy buddy with Heath? Why the hell did you people vote for him and elect him? he is a Jack and Jake puppet. why why why?

  43. This tops the giveaway of the old firehouse on Division Street, which was also going to be a bar/restaurant hotspot. Is the same group that did that scam getting this site for peanuts too?

    Methinks that the Jackeroo just blew whatever small chance he had to become the county executive.

  44. For 20 years now -- Barrie, Liarton and Fake Day, Salisbury has been a cesspool of corruption. Where is Maryland Attorney General Frosh when we need him (answer: throwing mud at Trump).

  45. what do you expect of day. his dad sucks jimmy perdues. day sucks local big shots.


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