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Sunday, July 01, 2018

Desperate People Saying Desperate Things


  1. Dave T: No comparison, Mike McDermott is the best qualified personally and professionally. I know him and would vouch for his conduct any time. Liberals cannot stand or cope with a loss, even when its justified. Sorry, no safe spaces here for you go cry about the hardship. Best advice, get used to it. This is only the beginning of what is coming for the left. This is also what happens when people mistakenly believe in a an ideology that is based on feelings and emotions, rather than real world issues. Liberals, you have much to learn, and life will be a hard teacher, but in my opinion, you don't deserve compassion nor will you receive it.

  2. Thank you Michelle Wells for having the courage to speak out about Scott Bernal and Matt Crisafulli and their damaging lies. I hope and pray that Mike McDermott wins the election and Matt loses his job. He deserves to lose his job after telling those stupid lies.

    Matt Crisafulli wrote a long post filled with lies and sent it to the EBT Blogger making it sound like the EBT Blogger wrote it, but it was obvious where it came from.

    Mike McDermott is a Commander with the rank of Lieutenant or Captain Worcester County Sheriff's Office. Mike was the chief of police is Snow Hill and Pocomoke. Mike was also the Mayor of Pocomoke. Mike was also a State Delegate for Worcester and Wicomico Counties.

    Matt Crisafulli was nothing but a low level peon teach the DARE program and a school resource officer...LMFAO!! He has no experience leading anyone.

    Scott Bernal retired as a low level Corporal with the rinky dink Ocean City Police Department. That is only 2 stripes on his sleeve. Claims he was a supervisor who worked the streets to prove he was a hands on leader. Don't let that fool you, he had to work the streets because a low level corporal is NOT and executive position. Retired after 30 years with absolutely no leadership experience.... LMFAO

    Those 2 low life's were never leaders, but now they think they can lead a county wide sheriff's office. LMFAO!

    Vote Mike McDermott, the only leader for the Worcester County Sheriff's Office.

  3. @4:49

    Your slanderous accusations come with no evidence or back up, and you hide in anonymity.

    If you can't back up what you assert it is YOU that is the problem, NOT the other way around.

    With out back up it is a shallow and cowardly way to try to drum up votes.

  4. Lynn Dodenhoff is a crap stirring. She should be concerning herself with her grandchildren who she is only teaching to be hateful bitter malcontents like herself. She is an embarrassment to herself and her grandchildren. It's no wonder Christine ran off to Pocomoke to get away from this horrid example of a human being. Her granddaughters letter reeks of a child in dire need of counseling.
    Matt Crisafulli's head should be dragging the ground in shame for letting her stain and soil his campaign with her nonsense.

  5. Earlier she was in OC. Her and some other whack job. It was all over FB if you want to avoid them to park on the north side of Convention Center. Even Matt supporters were asking where to park to avoid them LOL.

  6. Bernal is a paranoid mental case and has been for years. He used to spy or stalk I guess you could call Israeli Jews in his neighborbood as if they were terrorists or something! It was very disturbing and he is deranged and a racist. He told others about this and it got back that he thought they were Muslims as if they are all terrorists! His wife is just as much a lunatic. They both need locked up in mental hospitals as someone told me his paranoia has reached dangerous levels in that he is saying he will have a target on him if Mcdermott wins.

  7. Praying for Mike McDermott's win...

  8. Anonymous said...

    Your slanderous accusations come with no evidence or back up, and you hide in anonymity.

    If you can't back up what you assert it is YOU that is the problem, NOT the other way around.

    With out back up it is a shallow and cowardly way to try to drum up votes.

    June 26, 2018 at 5:04 PM

    @5:04 PM... Speaking of anonymity. You can't be serious. Is this you Matt or Scott?

    Slanderous accusations? You mean FACTS!! What was slanderous and what was an accusation? What makes you think the commenter doesn't know those two? I know those two and what I read is factual!

    You say back it up? Look at their Facebook pages!

    Vote Mike McDermott! I did!

  9. Anonymous said...
    Lynn Dodenhoff is a crap stirring. She should be concerning herself with her grandchildren who she is only teaching to be hateful bitter malcontents like herself. She is an embarrassment to herself and her grandchildren. It's no wonder Christine ran off to Pocomoke to get away from this horrid example of a human being. Her granddaughters letter reeks of a child in dire need of counseling.
    Matt Crisafulli's head should be dragging the ground in shame for letting her stain and soil his campaign with her nonsense.

    June 26, 2018 at 5:28 PM

    Amen to that! Anyone that the Blubber Blogger blindly supports doesn't get my sympathy.

  10. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Bernal is a paranoid mental case and has been for years. He used to spy or stalk I guess you could call Israeli Jews in his neighborbood as if they were terrorists or something! It was very disturbing and he is deranged and a racist. He told others about this and it got back that he thought they were Muslims as if they are all terrorists! His wife is just as much a lunatic. They both need locked up in mental hospitals as someone told me his paranoia has reached dangerous levels in that he is saying he will have a target on him if Mcdermott wins.

    June 26, 2018 at 6:16 PM

    Scott Bernal promised to investigate Mike McDermott if he is elected sheriff and he promises to lock McDermott up. He is a friggin Lunatic. He was on my FB friends list but I deleted him yesterday after I saw that delirious comment!

  11. @ 9pm

    Oh my. How to unpack that.

    A fact isn't something you assert and then proclaim as true. A fact or evidence as it were would be "Matt wrote the letter, I have documentation of it/video of him writing it/a confession of it etc... then on this day at this time we have certified letter proof/email proof etc that he sent it to the EBT blogger who then admitted that he changed it".

    What is not proof is saying "go look at their facebook page".

    Claiming to know them MIGHT lend some help to your story, but againg hidden in anonymity, so certainly cannot trust the factual nature of your claims.

    Yet again it seems like vitriolic cowardly tactics and smears... underhanded dirty politics.

    Who cares anyway. Matt won. Get over it.

  12. it was a guy named cookie who used to live down the street from him he used to tell people cookie was taking pictures of his house

  13. Matt may have won but by many he will never be respected. He allowed his campaign to be hijacked by the lowest of the low. Crude people with axes to grind. This says much about his character. I'm sure the deputies will be fine. They can put this all behind them as they always do because their hearts are with the community they protect. God Bless them.

  14. She should concern herself with the grand daughter who at her age has an unhealthy obsession with alcohol by posting pictures of various alcoholic beverages on her facebook. Between that and the child's bizarre "letter to the editor" the child is showing signs of being disturbed emotionally and its no wonder. Living in an environment with so much venom, revenge and vindictiveness is never good.

  15. Tia Johnson should still be rotting in jail for her " accessory after the fact" She should stay rotting in jail, until she dies!!!

  16. You can thank Mike Lewis for helping McDermott lose his race with his "I didn't endorse anyone" post. What a Jack Ass Mike Lewis is.

    Well guess what Mike Lewis I am an elected official and you will never get my endorsement again!

    1. Wish you had said that about 3 elections ago.

  17. I hope you're not looking for any favors from our new sheriff Joe. HaHa!

  18. 9:18 I agree but that still doesn't negate the fact that Christine's own bad life choices is a major factor in her death. She was more interested in partying and having sex then being a mother. That is what took her into Tia's life and led to her death. No caring mother would ever have dragged children to that dump of a house. It had no running water or electric. It was filthy and falling apart. They didn't pay rent so you know how bad it was. The deal with the chinese owner was they was supposed to fix it up and if you know them you know that wasn't happening. No decent person would have ever step foot in that place let along bring a child. Her love of partying and spreading her legs was greater then her love for her own children. It's unfortunate but every action has a consequence and not all are good.

  19. Anonymous said...
    I hope you're not looking for any favors from our new sheriff Joe. HaHa!

    June 27, 2018 at 11:20 AM

    GTH you Penis Head! HaHa!

  20. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    @ 9pm

    Oh my. How to unpack that.

    A fact isn't something you assert and then proclaim as true. A fact or evidence as it were would be "Matt wrote the letter, I have documentation of it/video of him writing it/a confession of it etc... then on this day at this time we have certified letter proof/email proof etc that he sent it to the EBT blogger who then admitted that he changed it".

    What is not proof is saying "go look at their facebook page".

    Claiming to know them MIGHT lend some help to your story, but againg hidden in anonymity, so certainly cannot trust the factual nature of your claims.

    Yet again it seems like vitriolic cowardly tactics and smears... underhanded dirty politics.

    Who cares anyway. Matt won. Get over it.

    June 27, 2018 at 3:40 AM

    Did you mean the race isn't over yet? Sheriff McDermott is going to run as an Independent and get all the votes from his supporters as well as the Democrats. Think about it, the numbers aren't that much in Matt's favor. Wink, Wink!

  21. June 27, 2018 at 3:15 PM:

    The election was the day before your comment. "The numbers" say Matt actually WON, and will be the new sheriff. It's over.

  22. "ZHis wife is a lunatic". Where are you getting your Information? Most of you know absolutely nothing about me. If you do by all means give some factual truth to substantiate your claim.

  23. 5:28 The sentence "Lynn Dodenhoff is a crap-stirring" makes no goddammed sense. A person can not be a verb. It's funny how the most hateful people who comment have the grammar skills of First Grader.
    Secondly, blaming the victim is sick. It's trashy and not appropriate for law enforcement officers to say bad things about a murder victim .

  24. I went to church with Christine for years.Well I did not go to church WITH her,but I went to the same church she went to.

  25. About 1/2 of the county's Republicans voting felt Mike McDermott was a better choice and more importantly the deputies themselves. Given the retaliatory and vindictive actions of the current sheriff and due to the fact that Crisafulli was his hand picked successor the public must be diligent in keeping up with what may go on in the Sheriff's Dept. The deputies and other staff have to know we have their backs and if anything happens with respect to this election such as more retaliation they must make it public so people can contact the media and the commissioners if necessary.

  26. "Did you mean the race isn't over yet? Sheriff McDermott is going to run as an Independent and get all the votes from his supporters as well as the Democrats. Think about it, the numbers aren't that much in Matt's favor. Wink, Wink!

    June 27, 2018 at 3:15 PM"

    MD no longer recognizes the Independent party. I think a Write In is the only option and someone has until the end of Oct to file as a Write In candidate.

  27. I think Mike should hit her with a defamation suit. She's a flat out liar. She's lied constantly and without care that he was the "lead investigator" on the case.

  28. shes really not doing any favors to her grandchildren. her own anger is one of the factors that led to her daughters murder. she is teaching the grandchildren to hold resentment and be combative and to hold grudges. she is nothing to be proud of. she is not a strong woman. her daughter is not proud of her. her daughter is crying out because she is poisoning her grandchildren like she poisoned her daughter and the end results will not be good. some never learn from past mistakes.

  29. The daughter was at Firefly drunk as a skunk.

  30. You think you know everything about your candidate but politics is very dirty in this community from stuffing boxes, taking funds but not publicly disclosing this from organizations to run, to sheriffs showing up and escorting people to and from local elections, and going one day from shutting down a city hall and police station to running for each imaginable elected position to considering running for Governor. Have you ever asked yourself the reason to not stop with one? Think.

    When a candidate makes statements they will financially audit their own department and employer, makes suggestions of mishandling of grants, there's a reason.

    I guess my question is if you are working in the department, why wait?

    If you know there is mishandling as stated on weekly election flyers, you are part of the problem if you are waiting and promising to do something about it AFTER elected.

    The message experience matters is a tired and old one. Too many know experience spells either too long on the job, passivity or possible corruption.

    Ask these questions. Why don't we have to show an ID to vote in Maryland? Why are we still voting in Worcester County with paper ballots and scanning these in?

    Then ask this. What was reason some have been upset with the former town manager? So isn't new one doing same thing? Contacting three contractors for sidewalks, only one gives an estimate which is unnamed, so its voted to give them the job? What ever happened to openly advertising a job, accepting sealed bids and then assigning the job.

    Only in Pocomoke and only in Worcester County.


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