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Friday, July 27, 2018

Sharp Increase In Gun Suicides Signals Growing Public Health Crisis

When Dorothy Paugh was 9, her father bought a pistol and started talking openly about ending his life. Her mother was terrified, but didn't know what to do.

"She called our priest and called his best friend," Paugh recalled. "They came and talked to him and they didn't ask to take his gun away."

Her father was 51 when he shot himself to death.

"One morning — it was a hot August day — he said take the kids to the pool. There were five of us and she piled us in the station wagon. We had a great time until they announced over the loudspeaker that the police were there to take us to the hospital," Paugh continued.

Six years ago, in 2012, it happened again. Paugh's son Peter bought a pistol, walked to a nearby park and shot himself. He was 25.

"It was so shattering, so catastrophic," Paugh said about his suicide. "He made a 911 call to the police because he said he didn't want any children playing in the woods to come upon the gun and his body."



  1. nothing to do with guns

    its mental illness

  2. Darwinism

    Only the strong survive.

    Nothing to do with guns.

    But since when has that stopped democrats?

  3. Facebook. Social media. There is no break from the judgment and harassment.

    1. That is a "can't stand the heat" situation...

    2. That is a "I'm a bully who derives great pleasure from demeaning people" comment...

  4. So what? It IS their life. Who is ANYONE to say that some people find no hope or any reason to further endure what, to them, is insurmountable sorrow, or a no way out situation and it is wrong (IN THEIR WISE OPINION) to bring it to an end?
    Quit trying to tell other people how YOU think they should live or die.
    Busybodies, holier-than-thou, know-it-all people just can't keep their perfect wisdom and knowledge to themselves. Their lives and decisions are so perfect, they have lots of time to manage YOURS and can't hardly stand NOT doing it as much as possible.
    If you would only LISTEN to them.....

  5. It could be that as a cure for Millennial's being so upset at the Trump win, many of us baby-boomers have been recommending they just end their suffering, with a gun.


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