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Friday, July 27, 2018

Bike Share Services to Change Providers in Salisbury as SPIN shifts to Motorized Scooters

SALISBURY - Last week, the CEO of SPIN sent an email to all of the company's partner cities indicating that SPIN is changing its business model, opting to cultivate and support electric scooter-based sharing programs, exclusively.

Bike share has proven to be wildly popular in Salisbury with over 15,000 rides, 6,000 unique riders and 16,000 miles ridden in the less than 5 months of operations. SPIN shared that "Salisbury is a very successful market by our metrics" and they recommended new companies who will continue to operate bike share. We cannot estimate how popular motorized scooter share will be in Salisbury so, at this time, our focus is on selecting a new bike share company.

The announcement was made suddenly, with no prior indication from SPIN that they were considering moving their company in this new direction. SPIN bikes in Salisbury continue to work, and they will remain in service until SPIN decides to stop supporting the mobile app. There has been no indication on their part that they intend to shut down the app, but it is a possibility which will be out of our control if it does happen. Given the unexpected nature of this shift in service from this company, we ask for patience with the company and with the City and University as we work to bring in a new company.

The City remains committed to safe, sustainable transportation alternatives, including dockless bike share. We have already begun the process of identifying a company to supply bikes which will replace SPIN in Salisbury. The City of Salisbury and Salisbury University are jointly reviewing proposals from other bike share operators. Bike share is a private business that operates without government funding. Salisbury bike share signage is designed to be quickly modified based on a new provider and we can easily and quickly accommodate a new company in our community.

While we understand that SPIN is transitioning to motorized scooter share and exiting the bike share market as the business model that supports their growth plans for their company, the City of Salisbury and Salisbury University are most interested in addressing the mobility challenges of citizens and students in our City and University. We expect to have a new partner online soon and are looking forward to a new bike share company arriving in town.


  1. So now DRUNKS AND DRUG DEALERS will be flying around the city and county thanks FAKE DAY UR A REAL POS What say u Sheriff Lewis ?

  2. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    So now DRUNKS AND DRUG DEALERS will be flying around the city and county thanks FAKE DAY UR A REAL POS What say u Sheriff Lewis ?

    July 27, 2018 at 12:24 PM

    They are not doing that already? Do you people sit around all day trying to think of new ways to bitch?

  3. who fudged those numbers have seen very few riders. have seen alot of bikes but they dont move they just sit there week after week

  4. Dallas Texas opened the flood gates and allowed as many bike companies that wanted to bring the dockless bikes to their city. Because they did not have any ordinances governing these bikes they were all over the place and even in neighboring cities. The neighboring cities got tired of finding them and made their own ordinance that required the bike companies to come pick them up after so many hours or they would have to pay to retrieve the bikes from the auto pound. Dallas decided that was a good idea too so they made some new rules.
    That is when some of the companies decided to bow out.
    Now they have allowed the motorized scooters to be tested out for 90 days. Already two people have written to the newspaper advising how they face planted with these
    scooters and had to have dental work and a few stitches.
    Intoxication and these scooters is a disaster waiting to happen. People are advised they should wear helmets but there was no ordinance that said they had to. Maybe someone from the university and the city needs to call Dallas and discuss their next plan before we jump on the
    motorized scooter band wagon.

  5. Man I think it's great, just in time for the Salisbury thug festival.

  6. Now we'll have scooters in the river...

  7. $15,000 Gross in 5 months. That is terrible

  8. Another failed idea of Buck-tooth Gay Day! You idiots keep drinking his Kool-Aid. Idiots.

  9. Bwahahahahahahaha!! Jake Day is using Twitter to beg for someone to pick up his failed bike program. What an idiot! He should be embarrassed.

    Mayor Jake Day

    Mayor Jake Day Retweeted Matt Drew
    Certified @BikeLeague #BikeFriendlyCity @CityofSBY, investing in bike lanes & trails w/ 9,000+ student University @SalisburyU seeks up+coming #bikeshare co to replace vendor who is dropping bikes for scooters only @VeoRideBike @ofo_bicycle @Mobike @limebike @MobikeUSA @jumpbikes

  10. Now this is funny, Barb Duncan kissing her boss's butt just to keep her job. These are the kind of losers that you need to watch out for. Nothing but knife wounds in your back from people like these.


    Mayor Jake Day Liked
    Barb Duncan

    Barb Duncan Retweeted Mayor Jake Day
    With Salisbury University Move In Day & National Folk Festival right around the corner, we need a new #bikeshare vendor here in our city!Barb Duncan added,
    Mayor Jake Day

    Certified @BikeLeague #BikeFriendlyCity @CityofSBY, investing in bike lanes & trails w/ 9,000+ student University @SalisburyU seeks up+coming #bikeshare co to replace vendor who is dropping bikes for scooters only @VeoRideBike @ofo_bicycle @Mobike @limebike @MobikeUSA @jumpbikes

    8:16 PM - 27 Jul 2018

  11. Matt Drew, sucking up to Jake Day Tweets that this POS bike program is a success based on a Salisbury Independent article. That's like using SNOPES to do your fact checking. Matt Drew you are a loser just like your boi Gay Day is.

    Matt Drew Tweet

    Proof: 15,000 rides in 5 months. .@CityofSBY IS a successful community for hosting bike share program. Great opportunity for a new provider! @jacobrday @ofo_bicycle @limebike @Mobike @jumpbikes


  12. renting a scooter is a good idea for a responsible person. Drunks and thugs are not responsible people. Not a good idea. Nuff said.

  13. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Bwahahahahahahaha!! Jake Day is using Twitter to beg for someone to pick up his failed bike program. What an idiot! He should be embarrassed.

    Mayor Jake Day

    Mayor Jake Day Retweeted Matt Drew
    Certified @BikeLeague #BikeFriendlyCity @CityofSBY, investing in bike lanes & trails w/ 9,000+ student University @SalisburyU seeks up+coming #bikeshare co to replace vendor who is dropping bikes for scooters only @VeoRideBike @ofo_bicycle @Mobike @limebike @MobikeUSA @jumpbikes

    July 28, 2018 at 5:58 AM

    Seems like Jake Day is doing a lot of begging lately. Begging for volunteers, begging for donations with the buy a brick, begging for a new bike vendor.

  14. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Matt Drew, sucking up to Jake Day Tweets that this POS bike program is a success based on a Salisbury Independent article. That's like using SNOPES to do your fact checking. Matt Drew you are a loser just like your boi Gay Day is.

    Matt Drew Tweet

    Proof: 15,000 rides in 5 months. .@CityofSBY IS a successful community for hosting bike share program. Great opportunity for a new provider! @jacobrday @ofo_bicycle @limebike @Mobike @jumpbikes


    July 28, 2018 at 6:32 AM

    Hey Matt Drew, Jake Day and Barara Duncan, you can claim "Proof" all you want but if this was a successful program the owners would not just walk away.

    Seriously though who is going to walk away from a successful business that is making money.


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