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Friday, July 27, 2018

Biden’s Niece Gets Probation for $100,000 Credit Card Scam

Former Vice President Joe Biden’s niece avoided jail on Thursday after a Manhattan Criminal Court judge sentenced her to two years’ probation for stealing more than $100,000 in a credit card scam.

Caroline Biden, 31, accepted the two-year probation sentence after she pleaded guilty in June 2017 to racking up $110,810 worth of charges on a borrowed credit card as she went on a shopping spree.

“I not only acknowledge my conduct and take responsibility but deeply regret the harm caused,” Caroline told Justice Curtis Farber at her Thursday sentencing, according to the New York Post. “I can assure you that I have made amends, full restitution, compl



  1. I didn't expect anything less!
    I've been to court on traffic tickets, and have seen first hand DWI cases being Nole Prossed or let go because the defendent was either a prominent person or the son or daughter of someone rich or prominent in the community.

    The rule of law does not apply if you are rich or a government official.

  2. She only regrets getting caught. Poor baby, grand theft and only gets two years probation. I hope she can handle the monthly visits, if she even gets supervised probation.

  3. It's just the outcome we all expected. Two sets of laws. Move on.

  4. Creepy uncle Joe promised to get her out of trouble as long as she gave him a hug.

  5. So, please tell me how she made $110k in restitution?? If she had access to that much money, why use the 'borrowed' card?
    And, yes, it seems that only the people who get caught have remorse.

  6. There are now two sets of laws in this country. One for the elite and one for the middle class and poor. What a shame.

  7. I don't see how this was a "scam". It looks like pure felony theft to me. Anyone else would be doing time right now.

  8. I keep telling you.

    Revolution and civil war throughout history can be traced to one common thread.
    They all developed a TWO SETS OF LAWS structure.

    YOU go to prison, you stupid serfs.
    THEY book a flight to the Riviera.
    After a period of time, the serfs wake up and hang the protected ones.
    BUT, it's Biden's niece. Close enough to be protected by Two Sets of Laws.
    Black people, constantly imprisoned for a lot less than that, can't wait to vote for more Democrats, the ones responsible for the imprisonment of millions of them.
    Who doesn't think Biden "made a call" or two???
    And he is a front runner for the next presidential election.
    Everyone go out on your back porch and fire a round from a .12 gauge --- there is a criminal in your neighborhood. And he likes little children. A lot.

  9. Has anyone noticed that this "news" is only being told by Breitbart.com??

    Where is the Lame Stream Media on this? Protecting Democrats again. They are supporting Joe Biden's future campaign for POTUS.

  10. If anybody else had done this they would be sitting behind bars now. How much money passed hands to keep her out of jail? or was it throwing up the fellow demonrat protection?

  11. Biden like others is not the man we thought he was a real disappointment, hope neither him or Hillary get a vote in the next election.

  12. Nothing like having family in high places! The elite, and their families, have special privileges when they go to court.


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