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Tuesday, July 03, 2018

Maxine Waters Turns On Schumer: "He'll Do Anything To Protect His Power"

Maxine Waters (D-CA) is now attacking establishment Democrats after they denounced her calls to form into mobs and attack Trump officials - blasting Senate and House Minority Leaders Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi after they called for civility and debate in the wake of her inflammatory comments.

“Leadership like Chuck Schumer will do anything that they think is necessary to protect their leadership," said Waters during a Sunday appearance on MSNBC's "AM Joy. "What I have to do is not focus on them. I’ve got to keep the focus on the children."

Waters has chosen the "separated migrant children" hill to die on politically after viral images of "caged" migrant children under the Obama administration was wrongly attributed to President Trump. In the ensuing debate over roughly 2,000 migrant children, the American public learned that it also happened under Bush and Obama, and that the Obama administration placed nearly 300,000 migrant children in "cages" after they were apprehended at the border.



  1. Great - the liberals are starting to eat their own!

  2. The old vampire keeps on choosing non-issues and working up a frenzy among those ignorant of reality. When one issue is proven baseless, she moves on to another, sucking on the blood of those she purports to help.


  4. AAAAANNNNDDDD.......she's done.......

  5. 11:49 Well said, its the best thing to happen! Republicans maintain control, now they have to get smart on how to utilize that control!

  6. So often is the quote "The lady doth protest too much, methinks." true for Waters and Gang. (Except for the lady part, of course.)


  7. Chuck the Schmuck would not do 'anything' to hold onto power. Proof? No credible rumors that he's spent personal time with Mad Maxine!

  8. And you would do anything to protect your job and all that money you keep funneling to your daughter.


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