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Tuesday, July 03, 2018

When Will Liberals Finally Get It?


  1. Why would American citizens who are in need financial assistance vote for democrats who encourage millions of illegals to come to America?
    These illegals swarm into America and demand free food, medical care, free birthing for their babies, rent, electric and a Obama phones and so on.
    This amounts to billions of dollars that will not go to needy American citizens. So, for all those who honestly need financial assistance remember that you are being shortchanged because illegals are receiving money that should have gone to YOU!
    Think about this when the liberals/democrats want open borders and millions more illegals who will cost even more money that should be going to you.

  2. Agree with 11:27 & 12:15.

  3. So, so true. Minorities born and raise in this country who had worked hard, sweat to make this country what it is today, suffered, die in this country, voted and played taxes can feel free and know that their dreams has finally come too past. We had dreams during the civil right era but quickly taken away because of the needs of illegal immigrants. It is now time for the minorities, the poor, the elders and the disabled believe in their dreams, move forward and take a stand and fight for what they deserve. Send all of these illegal immigrants back to their country. This includes DACA immigrants.

  4. So, so true. Minorities born and raise in this country who had worked hard, sweat to make this country what it is today, suffered, die in this country, voted and payed taxes can feel free and know that their dreams can come true in this country. We had dreams during the civil right era but quickly taken away because of the needs of illegal immigrants. It is now time for the minorities, the poor, the elders and the disabled believe in their dreams, move forward and take a stand and fight for what they deserve. We have been taken advantage of and denied the right to feel free . Please send all of these illegal immigrants back to their country. This includes DACA immigrants. Let them create their own civil right fight in their own country.

  5. Dave T: It's really something to go for groceries each week only to be eyeballed by Mexicans who look at you with hatred because they believe this is "their America." Well, let me remind you to remember the Alamo, and no, it's not "your America" and you don't have a right or privilege to be here. Think you're welcome here? Think again.

  6. Dave, you ever consider they aren’t looking at you with hatred? Maybe they are just looking at you and you imagine the hatred part. Get help.

  7. We all know damn well if it comes down to it these cowards will not stand with us or behind us. They will run back to their home country so fast they will be nothing but a blur. Cowards, all of them.


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