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Tuesday, July 03, 2018

Socialism is back, and it's taking over the Democratic Party

With the shock victory of 28-year-old socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez over House Democratic Caucus Chairman Joe Crowley — an entrenched liberal who hoped to replace House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., as party leader or even as House speaker some day — Democrats have officially lost control of their own party.

The politically-correct pampering of millennials — everyone gets a trophy, strikes can never be called, laughable “micro-aggressions” are a real thing and must be acknowledged and punished — is finally making itself felt in the political arena, and it's officially driving the Democratic Party to Crazytown.

Like 28-year-old entrenched-liberal-giant-killer Ocasio-Cortez, there are now millions of spoiled, ignorant, "It is all-about-me” Millennial brats out there who not only embraced the socialist battle cry of “Free is for me,” but will now work to crush anyone standing in the way of that ultimately suicidal policy.



  1. She doesn't want anyone in the USA to go hungry, who does? She wants everyone to see any doctor they want, who doesn't? She was unable to answer how she would pay of any of this and she IS NOT RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT. Maybe focus on the actual district ( high poverty and illegals) that she hopes to represent.

  2. The white democrat was pro immigration and pro open border. He got what he wanted and his dreamy immigrants voted him out of office. Sometimes you need to be careful of what you wish for.

    He is only the first of many to be eaten alive. The dems are now wondering "will I be next?"


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