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Tuesday, July 03, 2018

Maryland's strict gun laws could not prevent Capital Gazette shooting, spurring talk of changes

Although Maryland has some of the most restrictive gun laws in the country, none could have prevented the massacre of five people in The Capital newsroom Thursday, policymakers said.

The weapon used in the attack has been described by police as a pump-action shotgun. While “long guns” like shotguns and rifles are less tightly regulated than handguns, a purchaser nonetheless must undergo a criminal background check to buy one from a dealer, as Jarrod W. Ramos did. But Ramos was never convicted of a crime serious enough to bar such a purchase.

He pleaded guilty in 2011 to harassing a woman he had known in high school, but harassment isn’t among the misdemeanors that prohibit gun ownership under state or federal law.

Maryland has a new law, which becomes effective in October, that will allow judges to seize guns from a person deemed a danger to themselves or others. But the group of people who can petition for such an order is narrow — besides police and medical professionals, it includes only spouses, dating partners and close relatives.

So even had the law been in effect and had there been a threat, neither Capital staff nor the woman he once harassed would have been able to file a “red flag” petition about the alleged shooter, experts said.



  1. Make a law that allows everyone to keep a gun with them at all times; any style, anywhere. In your desk at work, on your hip, on a tripod!

    Be Prepared!

  2. And it starts!! just like that not even a time to mourn just more strict gun laws, that the politician just admitted they don't and wouldn't stop the shooting...

    Notice how everyone doing shootings got their guns legally, you read that? Legally!!!! You can't ever stop that unless you ban guns 100% everywhere... Then like the UK knives and bats and things will be used to kill people, so then what? ban that too?

    It is so funny and laughable that these ass hates think they can solve the problem... They pass background checks, an indecent happens, we need more background checks and tougher ones, still doesn't work to stop an indecent, then we need more background checks, still more indecent happen... Do you see the pattern??? Gun control laws don't work!!!! We have to have more gun laws to make it which is already illegal, for illegal people to have guns which is illegal... Do you hear the lunacy in that???

  3. 1:12 no that would actually work to solve the problem, and then the politician are not needed anymore... Cause and effect remember??? They cause a problem with laws so they can make more laws to stop the law they just created...

  4. 4% of the worlds population 45% of the non-military weapons.
    Is this really necessary to insure paranoid, small handed people their rights

  5. Dave T: That's because Maryland is run primarily by "feel good" liberals who don't know their ass from a hole in the ground. The kooks in this government couldn't lead a three car funeral, let alone the state. Just look at the dynamic here. Good people, good resources, poor, over regulated economy. Not that hard to figure out. The real losers here are the citizens who have to tolerate this crap. As usual, it's the law abiding people who suffer the brunt of the idiots in charge. Statistics have shown time after time that strict gun control doesn't work. But that doesn't feel good to liberals, and after all, they look scary too. How ridiculous. Grow a back bone you pack of loser, liberal, cowards!

  6. Agreed. No mention of mental health issues. He premeditated this horrific act which falls into a mental condition. Does mental health issues only relate to handguns and rifles?

  7. As long as the know it all's out there continue to believe guns kill people - this will never end.

  8. obviously maryland needs stricter gun control laws like chicago has that will fix all the problems.democrats are idiots they believe that doing the same thing over and over again with the same sad results is proof that the other side is crazy.

  9. Maryland's strict gun laws couldn't stop that shooting so I guess we need to pass a few more laws.

  10. Can you picture the scenario when the first judge signs off to confiscate...yeah, I thought so. May God have mercy on our souls...

  11. Like I've said time and time again. Laws stop nothing. They are just words on paper. There will always be someone breaking them. ALL people should have the right to defend themselves with a firearm against these criminals. If everyone had a firearm on them and in their home, what chance would criminals have? NONE.


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