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Tuesday, July 03, 2018

Left-Wing Politicians Wage War on Plastic

After a ban on non-biodegradable utensils went into effect over the weekend in Seattle, local officials are advising food service businesses to “[s]top using plastic straws and plastic utensils.”

An ordinance pending before the New York City Council would make that city’s food service businesses the next front line in liberal politicians’ war on plastic straws.

For the last two months, the New York City Council has deliberated over a bill that would make it a civil offense for any food service provider in the city to offer customers straws or stirrers “made of plastic or any other non-biodegradable material.” If passed, violators could face a fine of $100 for their first peccadillo and steeper fines for repeat offenses.

Supporters of straw bans argue that serious global pollution problems demand drastic local solutions—particularly, the use of non-biodegradable straws. And they have a point: Plastic straws cannot be recycled and they can be blown into waterways.



  1. Everybody gets one reusable straw to carry around with them. Stainless steel, comes with a brush to clean it.
    People with money to spend will use designer straws.

  2. Whatever happened to paper straws?

    1. They changed everything to plastic to be kind to trees...can't make up their damn minds.


  3. Remember shot glass on a chain around your neck? Just make a larger glass and in NYC the server can fill your glass which you then carry away.

  4. straws, plastic bags, sugary drinks, bitchin of lost elections (its almost been 2 YEARS). Infrastructure continues to crumble, natives continue to be restless and the lame stream media spews fake news.

    Much more important issues than straws/bags/sugary drinks needing to be addressed.

  5. I don't understand why they can't be recycled.


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