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Tuesday, July 03, 2018

Iranian General: Israel Creating Drought by Causing Clouds Not to Release Rain

'We are facing the issue of cloud and snow theft'

An Iranian general on Monday accused Israel of manipulating the weather to prevent rain in Iran, adding that his country is facing "cloud and snow theft."

Brigadier General Gholam Reza Jalali, head of Iran's Civil Defense Organization, said the "changing climate in Iran is suspect" during a press conference, the Times of Israelreported.

"Foreign interference is suspected to have played a role in climate change," Jalali said, according to the semi-official ISNA news agency. "Israel and another country in the region have joint teams which work to ensure clouds entering Iranian skies are unable to release rain."

"On top of that, we are facing the issue of cloud and snow theft," he added.



  1. He must be related to mad Maxine or Cummings , birds of a feather stick together.

  2. Shoot the meteorologists.

  3. 12:43 are toy that obtuse>???? Just because it sounds crazy doesn't mean it is unless you did extensive research to back up your claim???? And I'M going out on a limb here and say you haven't and won't becasue your to stupid and lazy...

    The US govt already released classified documents stated they tried to control the weather back in the 30's through the 60's and 70's during the Vietnam war by cloud seeding... What people don't know is, cloud seeding doesn't make it rain, it actually stops the clouds from releasing water and moisture, aka a drought... What happens is, when you stop seeding the clouds, they have a chance to "Burst" as the scientist use the term, and then it release the water and moisture and it rains, that's how you get 7 inches of rain in a half hour to an hour...

    There are other forms of ways to manipulate the weather via clouds, One is called HAARP and they use antennas to produce high voltage in frequency and direct it to the atmosphere, it then heats up a certain part of the atmosphere, and as you know, heat rises so the atmosphere gets pushed upwards, then the lower levels of atmosphere rush in to fill the void, which can move cloud and weather system by miles even... All this stuff weather wise on this planet is not natural!!!! If you look on the radar on the est coast near California, you will see big storm systems coming over the the ocean and soon as it hits California it is immediately directed upward or downward, and or evaporates and disappears off the radar all together, and yet they claim there is a drought in California, that is not normal... Then you had that hurricane hit japan 3 times in a row which is impossible... It went on the left side of japan, between the main land and japan, did a 180 back up the east coast of japan and then 90 degrees left turn over japan and to the main land, that is impossible!!!!! the jet stream would not allow that to happen...

    You all can think this is lunacy, but not a damn one of you has researched it so you have no say what is true or not... You all thought cops are here to protect us and server, you all thought all politicians are good and don't lie, half of you thought Hilary was goign to win the presidency...

    1. Have you convinced yourself yet may want to put your tin foil hat back on or you'll get probed again buster

  4. Yap yap yap 129pm there is no weather control. If there was, hell would need to freeze over before I listen to what some IRANIAN declared!

  5. 1:29 - maybe you should share this with General Jalali.

  6. 1:29 is correct.

    Stop trying to convince idiots that very basic weather modification is real. They haven't even noticed the spraying going on over their heads everyday. Nanoparticles of aluminum, barium, and strontium dispersed into the atmosphere to soak up the moisture and migrate it to another region. One thousand year storms happening every couple of years do not affect them. They still believe Apollo 11 landed on the moon and flew back home in 1969 but the military can't make it rain. Complete ninkampoops.

  7. 3:47 PM what an ostrich. keeping your head in the sand won't help. Educate yourself. 1:29 speaks a truth that you are obviously too stupid to research.

    Geo-engineering is alive and kicking.

    Here's another fact. Part of the concoction they spray has aluminium nanoparticles in it - which correlates with the HUGE spike in Alzheimer's.

  8. ION Engineering is real and it is being used. 1:29 is enlightened and that is good to run into on this blog.

  9. If it is true then -- Good for Israel!!

  10. 6:01,Yes,but what ever is good for Israhell is bad for the rest of the world.

  11. Oh my is it a full moon this week or the 100° weather


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