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Sunday, July 01, 2018

Anti-Trump restaurant owner who booted Sarah Huckabee Sanders says she'd do it again

Not only does the owner of the Red Hen restaurant have no regrets about kicking out Sarah Huckabee Sanders, she insisted Saturday she would do it all over again, saying people need to “uphold their morals.”

Stephanie Wilkinson, owner of the 26-seat eatery in Lexington, Virginia, said she asked the White House press secretary to scoot after receiving a call from her chef at about 8 p.m. Friday alerting her to Ms. Sanders’ presence, then conferring with her staff.

“I would have done the same thing again,” Ms. Wilkinson told the Washington Post. “We just felt there are moments in time when people need to live their convictions. This appeared to be one.”

Ms. Wilkinson cited the press secretary’s work for the “inhumane and unethical” Trump administration.

More 'morals' here


  1. Ok let me understand this
    You want to force somebody to bake a customer a cake but then you don't want to cook and serve somebody a meal correct?
    Pick and choose

    1. Republicans set the bar genius

  2. I kind of wish any democrat owner of any establishment would put up a sign President Trump Supporters Are Not Wanted. The thought of me spending a cent in a democrat owned business is nauseating. I want to know so I can avoid the place like the plague it is.

    1. It's safe to assume Walmart satisfies all your camo needs

  3. Trump Derangement Syndrome is going to be the democrats downfall in November. Not just on a federal level, but state and local too. Will be interesting to see how many more governorships and State Houses go GOP.

  4. At the very least, after all the publicity received over this, she should lose 1/2 of her business. No republicans should visit her establishment, except to protest HER political views, in the future. She made it known that her place is for rude, crude, democrats only.

  5. Sarah Sanders has way too much class for Democrats. She should have made a scene, refused to leave, and made the bitch restaurant owner call the cops. THAT would have made even bigger headlines.

  6. Such is the way of political fanatics. Let’s see how many customers she loses....

  7. So now the employees can state they work for the hateful, ignorant, inhumane and unethical red hen management when they file for unemployement. This should go to supreme court for discrimination and sue them til they shut the doors..this was not a baker with religios convictions. Just a hate filled democrat swamp idiot

  8. There you have it. Liberals are trying to justify what is essentially discrimination by not serving her. I wonder if the "Greensboro four" are so proud of them?

  9. And she’s probably one that protested when the Christian bakers refused to make a gay wedding cake.


  10. Hope her complete and utter lack of hospitality makes an impression on past and prospective customers.

  11. LOL at the next business she tries to own...she means, Red Hen is done! LOL

  12. you and your pigressive friends are the true Nazis;

    Here are the parallels of the neo-Nazi democrat party and their spiritual cousins, the Third Reich;

    1) Both supported rampant socialism

    2) Both supported disarming the population. Thus far, only the Third Reich succeeded.

    3) Both supported book burning.

    4) Both used violent tactics to halt free speech

    5) Both demonized their political opponents and incited mob violence.

    6) Both conducted a murderous holocaust of innocents. The holocaust of the Jews pales in comparison to the over 60 million babies the democrats have slaughtered.

    A hundred years from now and long after the Nuremberg style trials and execution of democrat politicians, when someone makes a vicious slur they will refer to another as a democrat rather than a Nazi.

    The evil left democrats have built this vile garbage and now you own it!!

  13. As the business owner she has the right to refuse service to anyone, right or wrong.

  14. Want a good laugh? Go on their Facebook page. I think they're getting run over by the Trump Train.

  15. 7:54 true and the consequences are heavy....The Red Hen, CLOSED!

  16. Red Hen restaurants are already suffering loss because of the actions of this one.

  17. Trump supporters should flock to her restaurant,order the cheapest thing on the menu while wearing something that supports democrats and take all evening to eat it.I wonder what she would say about that.

  18. Ms Wilkinson always did run with everything she heard,and she has become a hard left vehicle even more so after this incident.Gullible people are not always stupid people.I'll bet the farm she did not refuse recent tax cuts.Why does a dog growl at everyone who gets anywhere near a bowl of food that a human has just filled? Because they bite the hand that feeds them of course.

  19. Democrats in office now all anti American.

  20. How about everyone from around the country show up with a MAGA hate on to order a coke?
    I'm ready to take a day off and get her done, how about you?


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