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Sunday, July 01, 2018

Another ECI Update

An inside staff member contacted me today to inform me that ECI is STILL in LOCK-DOWN because they are so under staffed.

For years SBYNews has been trying to inform you just how critical the situation has been with ECI not having anywhere near enough staff. It has been a very risky situation there for far too long.

Nevertheless, we need to put pressure on our legislators to make this a priority as inmates will only be able to take so much of this before there's some kind of major situation.  


  1. Why the shortage of staff? I remember almost 2 years ago about 20 of the staff were charged with various crimes. Any staffing shortage caused by that should have been rectified a long time ago.

  2. You can pressure legislation all you want no one wants to work in department of corrections anymore. Why would you work at a job like that everytime you turn around their taking away retirement benefits

  3. Can't stand to be around thehood rats and white heroin addicts out on the streets why would I want to work at a job 10-12 hours a day with them??

  4. I worked in corrections for 5 years. I have never been treated so badly, asked to do so much with so little, get stretched so thin and have my every decision second-guessed so often.

    They've has done an excellent job in the last decade of both driving away good officers and taking the good ones that were loyal and stayed, and grinding them down until they no longer care. Officers are stretched so thin and treated so poorly that we dream of telling our command staff to shove it and walking out the door.

    And the crazy thing is, it's not the inmates that are the problem 99% of the time. It's the administration. Politicians and backstabbers that learned how to play the system and kiss the right asses to get up, and forget where they came from. Sergeants and Captains that are too scared to stand up for the rules and regulations, cutting the officers legs out from under them right in front of the inmate population. Second guessing the officers every move, from the safety of their office, with the benefit of hindsight and a dozen cameras and slow-motion replay. Oh, they'll sit there and judge you for doing what you had to do to break up a fight or deal with a combative inmate, but you'll never see THEIR asses suit up and do an extraction.

    But I digress, there's a reason why COs have one of the lowest life expediencies and highest divorce rates in the country. And I'll bet that every one of the guys that throw on their polo and duty belt, and head into the meat grinder to do another mandatory double won't get the respect or treatment they deserve. But you know what? They'll keep throwing on that polo and duty belt and going back through the sally port for ANOTHER 16 hours away from their family, not knowing if TODAY is going to be the day.

  5. ECI needs to be across the street from Obama's new home you know the one with the Huge Wall around it ?.

  6. The Police State is a very difficult operation to manage.
    Obviously it takes a lot of human assets (Police, Guards, so on).

    Joe is providing us with great reporting on this situation.

  7. Close the place down and move the prisoners across the bridge

  8. Leave them under lock down. It's jail after all. It's not like there's a farm there or anything productive for them to do.

    1. basketball ....they play tag , and kiss on their cell buddy while on the playground ( Court yard)

  9. 1:22 you are so right. There is a lot to read into in your words. I was one of those that transferred down from the Baltimore region before ECI ever opened. The East side opened first and at that time, for about 2 years, the 4 -12 East was the best side to work. Then Kimball transferred down from Jessup as a AW and the place went to hell, starting with the drugs and contraband him and his "Good Ole Boys & Girls" were bringing in. That is why I retired with 22 years. I just knew my time was to close. Administration & Supervisors has always been 90% the problem and 10% the Inmates.

    1. Kimball was removed from ECI due to drugs and involvement,

      But now...he is the Security chief at Wicomico County Detention Center

      Wonder how he is doing now?



      WHILE AT M.C.I.J. in Jessup Maryland ....prior to transfer to ECI.....the F.B.I. came into Kimball office and removed all his computers

      Kimball is dangerous

    2. 650 interesting? If the FBI was involved were there ever any chsrges? Seems like Kinball has steadily moved up without any consequences..

  10. 1:22 pm has hit the nail on the head. Well said.

  11. Send them to California..

  12. Seems like the ACLU will be arriving soon to complain about something or other.

  13. How many are illegals and should not be there?

  14. ACLU has nothing to complain about, since the inmates get everything plus more. The Administration gives them everything they want. The bad part is the Unions never fight for the Staff. They just collect their dues and does not stand up to the Administration or DOC Headquarters. They put up a show but gets nothing, because they have never known the regulations and / OR COMAR, ANNATED CODE of MARYLAND. Worst prison in Maryland.

  15. Contact Governor Hogan's office. Senator Mathias was on the scene Thursday night, but Governor Hogan has not been there at all. I called his office this morning; we need to make him aware of how critical the situation is not only at ECI but at all State prisons. If you believe that the in mates are living lives of luxury, you are quite mistaken. The in mates are seeing their time as required by law; they were not sentencef to lives compromised by permanent physical hardship due to horrible food, lack of adequate health care, lack of exercise, and inadequate mental health care. The guards are facing ridiculously long shifts, low pay, and frustrated in mates. What a recipe for disaster. If you care about human rights or workers' rights, contact the governor and demand immediate attention to this matter.

  16. Are any of the politicians reading this??? WBOC did a story tonight. This is no joke people. It is going to happen here and we need to keep the staff safe and hold the leadership accountable. Officers and case management and all departments are working hard with no relief in site. What will it take ??? The public needs to be at the rally July 9 and speak up 400 revellsneck road west over...let’s speak loud that we need help not hurt staff.

    1. I found it ridiculous how in denial the guy was in wboc segment. He was careful to say there was no threat to PUBLIC safety. What about the safety of officers and inmates? Something will happen if they do not do something immedietly. They were understaffed before the indictments now they are running the place on a dangerously low level of employees.

  17. Replies
    1. Can you imagine how different the whole area would be if ECI did shut down?!?!. It would take at least a year for most of their families to follow, but I pray they shut down too.

    2. And where are all the people who work there going to find jobs?

    3. 7:38 if they really want to stay in that type of environment, they can move or do what a lot of other people that I know do already...drive across the bridge everyday. You get paid more when you work ANYWHERE on that side.

  18. Open a Eci next to Obama's house.


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