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Sunday, July 01, 2018

Why Cheap Beer Is Still Awesome (And 5 You Should Enjoy This Summer)

Everywhere you look these days, attention is being paid to craft beers — heavy, hoppy small batch brews made by independent companies with artisanal recipes, new combinations of ingredients, and unique flavor profiles.

Cheap, old school beers — the kind your dad used to drink while grilling some brats or watching the World Series — have come to be looked down upon by some as boring, bland, water-downed corporate swill — the “fast food” of brews.

While craft beers can be tasty, there still a place in a man’s fridge, and definitely his koozie, for cheap beer. Today I’ll talk about why the old school stuff should still be celebrated, and make 5 suggestions to enjoy (unironically) this summer.

Let’s see what your Pops knew all along.

A Very Brief History of “Cheap” Beer

When I talk about “cheap beer,” I’m talking about any domestic beer sold in large quantities, and made by Coors, Miller, or Anheuser-Busch (known as “the Big 3”). These three brewers sell the vast majority of beer in the US and their brands include: Coors and Coors Light, Budweiser and Bud Light, Busch, Natural Ice, Michelob, Miller High Life, Miller Lite, etc. Beyond those, these brewers also still manufacture a number of what would be called “nostalgia brands” like Hamm’s, Pabst Blue Ribbon, Rainier, etc.



  1. I remember my dad drinking Pabst back in the 70's.

  2. Ahhh... Miller High Life (in a bottle) iced cold still holds up. Oh to have a Shafer one more time!

  3. Schaefer was the correct spelling of a beer from yesteryear. In the 1980's we could get Schaefer cheaper than that brand spankin new college beer (Milwaukee's Best - "The BEAST"), which was selling for $5.00 a case. The Schaefer cans were taller - so the thought was more beer. HAHA on us!

    Schaefer and some Mickey's Big Mouth....made for some wild weekends.

    Then Schlitz Malt Liquor beer. The real "RED BULL", before REDBULL existed....oh the 1980's!!!

  4. If you want a good tasting and inexpensive brew drink Yuengling and if you want to be adventurous and cheap Yuengling Black and Tan.

  5. Zoom in on the old Miller High Life ad, there is a 98K Mauser in that guys gun cabinet, pretty cool.

  6. Bring back Gunther.

  7. Worst beer I ever had was a PBR in a pony can(second worst was a Peroni) and it was iced cold. I can imagine what it was like warm.

  8. Coors Original is one of my favs as is Yuengling. The Black and Tan is good also. But a good cheap beer is definitely Pabst!! 16.99 for a 30 pack at Food Lion!! Busch and Busch Light are decent also. Still do not think Coors and Yuengling as cheap though.

  9. Miller is great beer.

  10. Schlitz was the cheapo choice for us in the day. Not a bad beer.

  11. Growing up in Chicago and being a diehard Cubs fan to this day, I can still remember Jack Brickhouse and “Lead Off Man” interviews sponsored an Hamms Brewing Company, sponsor of the Hamms Homerun Derby. If the leadoff man hit a homer in, Hamm gave $100 to his favorite charity.

  12. I'll take them over crap beer from a hipster brewery costing $10.00/6 pack.

  13. I still drink Rolling Rock.

  14. Jim, I agree 30 for 16 is cheap but I can find Yuengling down here in NC for 14-18 a case(24).

  15. Anyone remember Falstaff? Maybe if you are from the south...

  16. Would someone be so kind as to explain to me what "shower beer" is?

  17. Oh man, a case of ice cold Miller 'ponies" was the ticket. Crusin' the Sharptown, Mardela, Hebron and Delmar towns....drag racing and riding around drinking beer!!! Oh how we miss the 60's and 70's.....

  18. I remember Gunther beer,we used to call it panther piss.

  19. Amen 929pm...AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMEN!

  20. Cheap beer tastes great and is affordable...You go and buy craft beer around here and it's expensive as hell and tastes like swill.

  21. Shower beer is simply a can of beer you take in the shower-your choice of flavor. I like to get Narragansett for around $15/30 pack in the summer. Or Genessee Cream Ale.


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