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Friday, June 08, 2018

Senate Releases Unredacted Strzok-Page Texts Showing FBI Initiated MULTIPLE SPIES in Trump Campaign in December 2015

The US Senate today released over 500 pages of information related to the Spygate scandal.

Hidden in the information are unredacted Strzok – Page texts that show the FBI initiated actions to insert multiple spies in the Trump campaign in December 2015.

Once again Internet sleuths unearthed damning evidence that the FBI was engaged in Spygate long before they let on.

As we reported previously, according to far left Politico, Comey stated in March of 2017 under oath that the FBI investigation into the Trump – Russia scandal started in July 2016:

FBI Director James Comey told lawmakers Monday that his agency has been investigating possible coordination between the Trump campaign and Russian officials since last July [2016].


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