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Friday, June 08, 2018

ISIS Group Claims More Than 10K Twitter Accounts Used for Propaganda

A pro-ISIS group claims that several social media brigades loyal to the terror group have "distributed" nearly 10,000 Twitter accounts over the past 16 months.

In an infographic released last week, Dhakhirat al-Ansar said it had two kataeb, or brigades, working Facebook and four working Twitter.

There was also a much smaller percentage of activity with Gmail accounts, as the group claimed it "distributed" 346 accounts.

But the cyber-caliphate "brigades" claimed 9,635 accounts pushing ISIS content and 4,059 Facebook accounts.

Facebook announced in its first Community Standards Enforcement Preliminary Report released in mid-May that the company took action on 1.9 million pieces of content determined to be terrorism-related in the first quarter of this year, an increase from 1.1 million in the fourth quarter of 2017.

The social-media giant said the increase was “due to improvements in our ability to find violating content using photo detection technology, which detects both old content and newly posted content.”


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